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Win a spot in the 2023 D’Arros Experience: the competition is now open

Can you help advocate for Seychelles’ critically endangered species and create awareness in your school or community?


The Save Our Seas Foundation (SOSF) is launching its next D’Arros Experience competition open to all Seychelles resident between the ages of 10 and 14.


The prize? Participating in a one-week environmental education camp on D’Arros Island in the Amirantes.


A total of 15 winners will be selected for participation in the programme in 2023.




What is the D’Arros Experience?

The D’Arros Experience, initiated by the SOSF and its D’Arros Research Centre (SOSF-DRC), aims to engage young Seychellois on the importance of the ecosystems that form part of their national heritage, while providing practical, hands-on field experience in a globally important ecological hotspot.


The D’Arros Experience is an important component of SOSF’s worldwide mission to promote environmental education and outreach. The idea is to provide students with a clear understanding of how ecosystems, from the coast to the deeper ocean, are connected.




What is the competition?

The competition candidates will be judged on their submissions of an original awareness campaign that teaches an audience about one of the iconic but critically endangered species found in Seychelles and provides ideas on how we can help those species’ populations onto the road of recovery.


The candidate must clearly show: Why is this species important? What has led to the species being threatened? and What can we do NOW in Seychelles to help its populations?


Awareness campaigns must focus on ONE of the four listed species from the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species:


Hawksbill turtle (Kare)

Sheath-tailed bat (Sousouri Bannann)

Seychelles White-eye (Zwazo Linet)

Bottlenose Wedgefish (Vyolon)

The campaign is to be realistic, but students may use any means available to them for their submissions. It could be a video, a story, a poster, a collage of images, an audio recording or something else. Acceptable languages are English, Creole or French.




How and when to apply?

Submissions are accepted until Friday, January 6, 2023 (23:59 GMT+4)


To apply, visit the SOSF-DRC website / news section


Download the competition guidelines and read the rules and regulations. You will also need to fill out the application form.



Source: Seychelles Nation