
Youth, Sports and Family Minister Marie-Celine Zialor’s message to mark World Elderly Abuse Awareness Day – June 15 ‘Any form of abuse is not acceptable’

“Every year on this day, we are presented with the opportunity to raise awareness on all forms of abuse against elderly persons. This year, the day is being commemorated exactly a month after the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Family launched its new family theme ‘Mon Fanmir, Mon Leker’ ? ‘My Family, My Heart’, to commemorate International Family Day.

“Our families are and will always be the heart of every society. As we put emphasis on the need for solid families within the Seychellois community, we also take time to also reflect on the crucial and valuable roles and contributions that our elderly population play and bring to our families. Their wealth of experience and wisdom, should be a source of inspiration and strength to all our families.

“No grandmother, grandfather, great aunty or uncle should feel unwanted, mistreated, neglected or abused by their own family members. Though worldwide each year, hundreds of thousands of adults over the age of 60 are abused, neglected, or financially exploited, let our nation take a stand and say NO to any form of ABUSE to senior citizens.

“As we engage in promoting our theme ‘Mon Fanmir, Mon Leker’, the issue of elderly abuse should not be ignored. In 2021, through the elderly and disabled division’s helpline, 126 cases were recorded.

“Sadly, the majority of these cases were reported by neighbours who chose to remain anonymous. This is a clear indication that there could be more unreported cases. Our society needs to understand that ANY FORM of ABUSE is not acceptable and such leads to grave consequences, including physical injuries, depression and premature death.

“Let us join together and pledge that our homes, families and other institutions become the sanctuary where our elderly population spend their golden age, in peace, comfort, feeling loved, feeling wanted, appreciated and respected for all their contributions to the betterment of their own families and their countries.

“Together, let Seychelles send one strong message: We condemn any forms of abuse, irrespective of any ages.”

Source: Seychelles Nation