
Youth, Sports & Family/Local Government & Community Affairs

The ministries of Youth, Sports & Family and of Local Government & Community Affairs are strengthening their partnership in their efforts to provide opportunities and facilities to support community development.

A meeting was held on Tuesday this week at the Savoy Hotel – a joint initiative of the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Family together with the Ministry of Local Government and Community Affairs – which showcased the willingness and commitment of the two ministries to continue in their quest to bring about positive transformation in the districts including the revamping of community life in the areas of sports, family and youth in our communities on Mahé, Praslin and La Digue.

“It is very clear that the ongoing partnership between the two ministries is pivotal in ensuring the successful implementation of community based activities,” syas a joint press release from the two ministries.

“Fruitful deliberations highlighted the many similar objectives of the two ministries and how best they can complement and support each other by maximising use of their respective resources with the aim of proactively engaging and empowering citizens in the districts thus creating more vibrancy and dynamism in our communities,” adds the press release.

“The role of the private sector and individuals within the districts is key as we move forward in the spirit of collaboration for the benefit of the community,” notes the press release.

Both ministries have said that they are committed to pursue their efforts in providing opportunities and facilities to support community development.

“The recent removal of certain restrictions by the Public Health Authorities is very timely as this allows both ministries to kick-start their respective activities at district level,” concludes the press release.

The delegation from the Ministry of Local Government & Community Affairs who attended the meeting comprised Minister Rose-Marie Hoareau; Kevin Perine (principal secretary); Daniel Frichot (consultant); Denise Clarisse (director general community affairs; Stephanie Duval (programmes & special events coordinator) and Loura Barra (programmes officer).

On the side of the Ministry of Youth, Sports & Family the meeting was attended by Minister Marie-Celine Zialor; Alain Alcindor (rep National Sports Council); Ralph Jean-Louis (PS Youth and Sports department); Penny Belmont (CEO, Seychelles National Youth Council); Yasmine Umarji (CEO, National Council for Children); Clive Roucou (PS, Family department); Kevin Vdot (Governance and Planning); Patricia Ernesta (finance controller); and Gyra Nibourette (DG human resources & administration).

Source: Seychelles Nation