
 YEA director advocates policy to integrate beneficiaries into permanent employment

Mr. Shadrach Abrefa Mensa, the Bono Regional Director of the Youth Employment Agency (YEA), has campaigned for the implementation of a national policy to integrate the youth into permanent jobs aligned with their fields of training.

?He said by aligning training with employment opportunities, a more efficient and sustainable system could be created where beneficiaries would apply their specialized skills and knowledge effectively, leading to greater success and productivity in the workforce to benefit both beneficiaries and the economy.

Speaking in an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA) in Sunyani, Mr Abrefa Mensa highlighted the significant strides the YEA had made with its modules, showcasing the institution’s commitment to providing the state with a high-quality and skilled labour force necessary for driving economic growth.

He added that the beneficiaries received training from professionals, representing the institutions being studied in the modules, which indicated that their training was ali
gned with the policies and training practices of the institutions to enhance the beneficiaries’ skills and competencies.

Mr. Abrefa Mensa announced that, for the first time, the Ghana Police Service had allocated a quota of 1000 positions to the YEA for recruitment under its Community Police Assistance (CPA) programme nationwide.

Additionally, some beneficiaries of the Community Health Workers programme had been granted admission into various colleges?for a top-up programme.

He said other beneficiaries under the Community Prison Office Assistance module were recruited into the Ghana Prisons Service, saying the opportunity had arisen because of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and partnership established between the YEA and the institutions.

Mr. Abrefa Mensa said the traditional modules offered by the Agency served as more than just a temporary job opportunity for young individuals, saying these modules also provided a chance for participants who wished to get into permanent employment.

He noted that
in the past, there was a lack of a clear exit plan for individuals who were involved in the YEA modules which?resulted in a cycle of temporary placements.

He pointed out that the government’s contribution to the YEA was laying a solid foundation for subsequent governments to streamline their activities, saying that indicated a promising opportunity for future administrations to build upon and enhance the organization’s impact.

Source: Ghana News Agency