General Data Center Built with 50 Million USD Inaugurated

A Pan-African Data Center operator, built with the total outlay of 50 million US dollars at ICT Park in Addis Ababa, was inaugurated today.

The inauguration ceremony was attended by senior government officials and CEO, including Minister of Innovation and Technology, Belete Mola., a pan-African center has been operating for ten years in the development and operation of data centers in Africa and with many global telecommunications companies as clients, it was indicated.

Thus, the data center operator set up a hyperscale data center at ICT Park in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Speaking at the inaugural ceremony, CEO of, Anthony Voscarides said Data Center provides affordable and secure data services to any public or private institution.

Noting that the center uses all kinds of technologies, the CEO said that it is a high-tech database that provides services in Somaliland, Djibouti and Tanzania.

He further stated that it is a reliable and safe infrastructure which provides common and fast internet services to Ethio telocom and Safaricom telecom operators, with cost-effective.

He added that the center serves as reliable and alternative database for foreign investors who are interested to invest in Ethiopia.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency