
What you should know about baldness

If you’re one of the 25% of guys who begin losing their hair by the age of 30, things might feel dismal. If your hair is falling into the plug hole every morning, it may not be as terrible as you think.

To begin, researchers from the University of Manchester suggested in PLOS Biology that a medicine initially meant to treat osteoporosis might someday give a treatment for baldness.

While we all wait for that, and before you resort to the price of paying for a hair transplant, read our list of the 10 things you should know about hair loss. If you follow these instructions, you might be able to preserve your wild locks for a bit longer.

How to know if you’re going bald

This isn’t as ridiculous as it sounds. Going bald is not the same as losing your hair. Male pattern baldness is a hereditary disorder, whereas hair loss can be caused by several other circumstances.

If you are losing patches of hair seemingly at random, you may have alopecia, a disorder in which a person (male or female) loses patches of hair from different regions of their body. In severe situations, all of the hair on the body may be affected. Alopecia is known to be caused by both genetic and autoimmune causes (where the body mistakenly attacks itself). It is not synonymous with male pattern baldness.

Male pattern baldness is more prevalent if your hair loss happens in a more regular receding pattern, mainly from the temples and crown of the head. But keep in mind that most guys lose their hair. It’s nothing to be frightened of or ashamed of.

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How fast will I lose my hair?

Male hair loss normally begins in the twenties, but it takes 15-25 years to go bald. Half of all fifty-year-olds are bald.

Some guys, however, grow bald in less than five years. It is very hard to predict how long the procedure will take.

Why is my hair falling out? Is it hereditary?

If you have male pattern baldness, your hair is falling out because your body is growing more susceptible to male sex hormones known as androgens. The amount to which this procedure affects your scalp is inherited.

Hair loss can also occur as a result of sickness or surgical operations, stressful situations, changes in hormone levels, and scalp infections. However, hair loss is not always permanent.

Emotional stress or sexual frustration cause baldness?

Some hair loss is caused by stress, but male pattern baldness is a hereditary disorder that affects many men. If your hair is falling out in clumps or at inconvenient times, it is most likely an indication of something else. This might be due to stress, but it is unlikely to be due to sexual dissatisfaction. The best thing to do is visit your doctor for a checkup.

Is there anything I can do to prevent my hair from falling out?

Everyone loses hair naturally, and it is typical for hair to thin slightly as you age. However, male pattern hair loss is a hereditary disorder that cannot be completely reversed.

Traction Alopecia is a disorder caused by continual tugging or stress on your hair over a lengthy period. You don’t have to be dragged around the floor by your head to acquire Traction Alopecia; if you frequently wear tight braids, particularly cornrows, or tight ponytails, you are more likely to get it.

What should I do?

Baldness is a normal occurrence. To begin, consider if you truly want to ‘cure’ it or if you can find a way to accept it rather than trying to conceal bald spots or return your hair fully.

If you do wish to seek therapy, two medications might assist.

Minoxidil lotion (Regaine standard or Regaine extreme strength) is applied to the scalp twice daily. It is not accessible on NHS prescription, although it is available over-the-counter. It benefits around 60% of patients to varying degrees. Its effects begin to fade as soon as it is stopped.

Finasteride (Propecia) is a tablet-based medication that works to reduce the effects of male hormones (an ‘anti-androgen’). Propecia has been demonstrated to stop future hair loss and encourage scalp hair regrowth in roughly 80% of patients after three to six months. When you stop taking the medicine, the treatment advantages end as well. Only accessible on prescription and select NHS primary care trust waiting lists for specific diseases.

You might also explore cosmetic surgery as a viable option for hair replacement. Transplants, scalp reductions, and flap surgery are all options, but they are also pricey long-term remedies.

What happens if I take care of my hair loss? What are the possible consequences?

Side effects of minoxidil lotion include scalp and skin irritation. It can occasionally cause changes in hair colour and texture.

Finasteride: Although noticeable side effects are infrequent, the medication can occasionally produce a rash, and a tiny percentage of users may have decreased libido, erection issues, or breast and/or nipple soreness.

Will stress hasten my baldness?

Stress can cause hair loss, but stress-related hair loss is seldom permanent. It is uncertain if stress accelerates the progression of genetic baldness.

Telogen effluvium is a kind of hair loss caused by excessive stress that disrupts the development cycle of your hair follicles, causing hair to lose. However, in the long run, this process should self-correct.

Will I experience any psychological issues as a result of going bald?

Some men have a true dread of growing bald, which can result in increased stress, low self-esteem, decreased sexual desire, and even melancholy. However, if you understand and embrace the causes, you will be far more likely to overcome your worries. When males realise they are losing hair, they frequently experience a brief lack of confidence, which is rapidly remedied. The best way to avoid psychological issues is to confront the facts of baldness and either accept it or seek therapy that works for you.

Source: Seychelles Nation