
Victoria lights up as she gets ready to welcome Christmas By Laura Pillay

Victoria has once again donned her glittering attire to welcome one of the most appreciated celebrations of the year which is Christmas.

For the past two weeks more and more decorative lights, a tall Christmas tree in the Peace Park are among other decorations reminiscent of the much awaited event that have been put up in various parts of Victoria to brighten the atmosphere and bring the Christmas mood in the air.

Lydia Charlie, the executive director in the office of the Mayor of Victoria, said since July they had ordered some new decorations for Victoria which they had expected to put up by the end of November but unfortunately with shipment issues the consignment got here only on December 15.

“We have tried as much as we can to put up as many decorations as we could. We also got a sponsorship from Seychelles Breweries and they decorated part of the Peace Park and also adopted the Roche Caiman park which they have already decorated with muticoloured lights highlighting some of their brands,” Ms Charlie said.

She went on to note that other than that it is the office of the Mayor which has put up all the lights and other decorations around the town area lighting them up as they put in place.

She further noted that with the lateness in the arrival of the decorations they have not been able to organise a special lighting ceremony.

Ms Charlie added that while the office of the Mayor appreciates that some businesses have made the effort to decorate their shops and buildings, more could have been done.

“We had expected businesses along Market Street for instance to join together and bring more colour, cheers and lighten the atmosphere as large groups of shoppers scramble in and out of their shops to get the special gift for their loved ones,” Ms Charlie remarked.

Nevertheless Victoria has dressed up and her festive attire, even though not a very glamorous one, is much appreciated by everyone who passes and stops to congratulate her and accompany her while she waits for Christmas!

The accompanying photos show some of the decorations in Victoria as well as the ambience in town yesterday as people gear up for Christmas Day.

Source: Seychelles Nation