
Vehicle owners get ultimatum to remove dark tint on front windows and windscreen

Vehicle owners whose transport have dark tint on their two front side windows and on the windscreen, have until July 15, 2022, to remove them or face actions by the police.

These include those owners who have in the past been granted permissions for their transport to sport tinted windows.

It was Superintendent Antoine Denousse, head of visible policing, who made the announcement in an interview with the press at the Central Police Station yesterday morning.

Superintendent Denousse stated that all tint permissions for vehicles granted by the Commissioner of Police, Ted Barbe, have also been revoked and those who wish to have dark tint on their vehicles will have to re-apply for permission to do so.

He stated though that the commissioner has agreed to allow vehicle owners who have tint up to 6 inches at the top of the windscreen to continue as it will be legal under the new law being drafted.

“The action we will take is that we will either fine the owner after which he has to remove the tint on the vehicle or we take possession of the vehicle, for photographic purposes, for us to file a court case,” Superintendent Denousse said.

Superintendent Denousse explained that the law on tint for vehicles stipulates that the persons sitting in front of the vehicles must be visible and recognisable.

He added that the law also allows for placement of tint on vehicles but those put at the two front side windows and on the windscreen must be very light so that the persons in the front can be identified.

He said the decision by the commissioner of police to crack down on vehicles with dark tint on the two front side windows and on the front windscreen is that there are many fraudulent tint permissions in circulation which have caused an increase in the number of dark tinted vehicles on the road and this is making it difficult for the police to identify the persons in the front as stipulated under the law.

He further said that the police will also take actions against vehicle owners who place sunlight gadgets at the front windows as this also prevents the identification of persons inside.

“People are allowed to put tint tone on their transport and it is not an offence but those put at the front windows and on the windscreen should be clear and transparent,” Superintendent Denousse added.

With regard to fraudulent tint permissions, Superintendent Denousse advised vehicle owners to seek their tint permission from the Commissioner of Police only and not from fraudulent persons which might land them into trouble with the police.

He added that the police will be conducting training for its officers to identify tint tones that are legal under the law for the front end of vehicles.

Source: Seychelles Nation