
Utilise experience of older generation to achieve goals – Duncan Williams

The Archbishop Nicholas Duncan Williams has advised the youth to utilise the rich experiences of the older generation to achieve their goals.

He said the older generation was well positioned to provide valuable advice and guidance to help the younger generation to easily navigate their way through life.

The Archbishop was delivering a sermon to close the ‘Experience Conference 2023’ in Accra by The Marker’s House Chapel International (TMHCI).

He spoke on the theme: ‘Breaking the cycle of demonic patterns’.

The Archbishop quoted from Joel 2:28 which read, ‘And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.’

He explained that vision represented foresight whilst dream meant insight, as such, for the youth to be able to run with foresight, they needed the insight of their elders.

‘Though Mary was to give birth to Jesus, the Angel still told her to visit her cousin Elizabeth, who was already pregnant. You may be carrying something bigger but there is someone more pregnant than you. You need to honour such people.’

‘If you want your vision to be fulfilled, then you must help the old man to fulfill his dream because the fulfillment of the young generation’s vision is in the old man’s dream,’ he said.

He lauded Dr Michael Boadi Nyamekye, founder, TMHCI, for the successes chalked in ministry and availing himself for God’s use.

Archbishop Williams advised the clergy to exhibit godly character alongside their gifts and anointing to be counted worthy upon Jesus’ second return.

‘Don’t be too confident because anointing and gifts are limited. It is your character that prevails and ensures your longevity.’

He quoted from Matthew? ?7?:?22?-?23, ‘Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles? Then I will tell them plainly, I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!”???

The annual ‘Experience Conference’ , which is resuming after its suspension over the COVID-19 pandemic, is one of the largest gatherings of Christians from different denominations in Ghana and beyond.

It has seen the ministrations of renowned Ministers of the Gospel across the globe – delivering life-changing sermons and topics.

Speakers at this year’s edition included Archbishop Nicholas Duncan Williams, the Presiding Archbishop and General Overseer, United Denominations of Action Chapel International, Archbishop Charles Agyinasare, the President, Agyinasare World Evangelism, and the Rev. Dr. Ebenezer S. M. Markwei, the Founder and General Overseer, Living Streams International.

Also, the Presiding Archbishop and the Founder and General Overseer of the Charismatic Evangelistic Ministry (CEM), Dr Steve Mensah, General Overseer of the Global Revival Ministries, Rev. Dr Robert Ampiah-Kwofi, and the Founder and Senior Pastor of All Nations Church in Atlanta, Georgia and General Overseer of the Living Springs International Churches, Dr Frank Ofosu-Appiah.

Leading gospel artistes also ministered alongside the host choir and artistes.

Many attendees received healing and deliverance at the teaching of God’s word.

The TMHCI is a word-based church, with the vision to drive towards excellence while ushering people to fulfil their destiny, while preparing them for heaven.

It is one of the fastest growing churches in the West African sub-region, with the main auditorium of the Destiny Arena sitting some 5,000 congregants.

Source: Ghana News Agency