
Uphold high principles in line of duty – Medical students urged

Professor Aaron Lawson, a Retired Professor of Anatomy University of Ghana, has advised medical students to uphold high principles to enable them to provide care for patients in their vulnerable moments. He said as students, it was important to be guidded by empathy, lifelong learning, teamwork, resilience, integrity, bearing in mind their self-care. ‘These are essential guidelines that would guide you throughout your journey as physicians,’ he stated. Prof Lawson gave the advice during the Accra College of Medicine’s (ACM) seventh White Coat ceremony in Accra. The White Coat ceremony, which ushers the students into the clinical phase of their professional studies saw the professionals also receive stethoscopes and clinical scraps to enable them render quality services to patients. He explained that the white coat was a symbol of responsibility, empathy, and commitment to the highest standards of care and commended the students for the remarkable journey into the field of medicine. ‘As you adorn this white coat remember that it represents not only the knowledge you have acquired but also dedication, integrity and unwavering compassion you bring to the medical profession. It is a symbol of the trust that patients and their loved ones would place in your capable hands. This task is not given but earned through countless hours of unfailing practice and relentless pursuit of excellence,’ Prof Lawson stated. He said the path to becoming a physician was long and arduous and urged the students to be strong and face all challenges, adding ‘it is through these moments that you will discover your strength and resilience. Prof Afua Hesse, the President of ACM, while commending the students encouraged them to hold on to their power of observation and take advantage of every opportunity to become excellent clinicians. She urged the students to take the lessons during their clinical period seriously, adding that their learning depended on themselves. Prof Revered Adukwei Hesse, the Vice President ACM, while administering the oath to the students said the coat apart from the transmission and prevention of diseases also symbolised authority in the field. He advised the students to be humble wherever they found themselves to lift the flag of the ACM high. Other dignitaries present at the event include Professor Stephen Adai, the ACM Council Chairperson, Mr Hanis Hafar an educationist, faculty members, among others.

Source: Ghana News Agency