
United Seychelles urges government to postpone amendments to Pension Act

United Seychelles has urged government not to proceed with the proposed legislative vis-a-vis pension provisions to the Pension Act.

The amendments aim to increase the retirement age from 63 to 65 and increase contribution from 6% to 10%.

“We believe that, given the prevailing economic situation and the increasing poverty in the country, there should be no additional financial burden on the population, especially the elderly,” says a communiqué from United Seychelles.

United Seychelles notes that retirement is a planned endeavour, and the proposed increases in the Pension Act will adversely affect workers.

“United Seychelles believes that money will be readily available if all capital projects are shelved, and the government drastically reduces its overseas travel expenditure. We are, therefore, proposing that the government find funds to sustain the present pension scheme. The government should also forego the recent increase in allowances bestowed upon itself,” noted the United Seychelles communiqué.

“Now is the time for sacrifices to ensure shared prosperity that leaves no one behind to linger in poverty,” concludes the communiqué.

Source: Seychelles Nation