
United Seychelles leader, Dr Patrick Herminie’s message for Public Service Day

‘Thank you public servants for your dedication and sacrifices as you serve others’

“Today like, the rest of the world, we are celebrating Public Service Day. This day, June 23, was declared by the United Nations in order to recognise and praise the efforts of public servants.

“It is also a time to celebrate the value and virtue of serving your community.

“Nations all over the world are encouraged to celebrate the special day as a way of pointing out the significance and importance of public service.

“On behalf of United Seychelles party and on my own behalf, I would like to convey our sincere gratitude to and congratulate all public servants in Seychelles .Thank you for your dedication and sacrifices as you serve others and strive for the betterment and progress of the Seychellois nation.

“As public servants, I appeal to you not to restrict yourself to narrow self-seeking causes but to expand your horizons in this ever changing world of technology and innovations. The next era will experience dynamic changes in how public service operates. Seychelles like the rest of the world will need to rethink the structure and operating models of civil service, how public servants are hired, trained and retained has to be more agile, tech savvy, data driven and of course human centric

“Despite the changes you must never forget that your work is to serve the wider community irrespective of any political or social bias. Please remember that all promotions are based on meritocracy. You should, at all times, reject nepotism. Be an inspiration and encouragement to others and especially our young people to choose a career in the public service. A career in the public service presents one with unique opportunities to make positive contributions into the lives of others, you are challenged on a daily basis, which undoubtedly enables you to develop strong characters and thus becomes an inspiration for others. The well- being and development of the Seychellois nation depends on you as you advance the cause of public service today and always.

“Have a blessed day.”

Source: National Information Services Agency