
United Seychelles congratulates new national chairperson of Tanzania’s CCM party

The United Seychelles has sent a message of congratulations to the President of the United Republic of Tanzania, Samia Suluhu Hassan, following her victory as the new National Chairperson of the Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) Party.

The United Seychelles message reads:

“On the occasion of your landslide victory as the new National Chairperson, the United Seychelles Party wishes to extend its warmest congratulations to you, to the Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) Party and to the people of the United Republic of Tanzania. We wish you every success in this important position.

“The United Seychelles Party would also like to extend its congratulations to Hon. A. Kinana, the vice-chairperson for Mainland and HE Hussein Mwinyi, the vice-chairperson for Zanzibar.

The relationship between our two sister parties was forged many years ago. The United Seychelles Party will continue to support the struggles of the Tanzanian people and that of the CCM Party. We believe that under the leadership of Your Excellency and that of the CCM Party, Tanzania will flourish in national development.

“The United Seychelles Party values its relations with the CCM Party and stands ready to work together to promote unity and peace in our region. We reaffirm our commitment to consolidate and build on the good practices of our Parties.

“The United Seychelles Party wishes the CMM Party continued success and progress; and long live the friendship between our two parties, two countries and two people.”

Source: Seychelles Nation