
The youths learn more about the Economic Reform Program

The Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Trade has hosted its biggest group so far, as part of its economic reform program awareness campaign.

Yesterday afternoon, the Ministry, along with Central Bank of Seychelles played host of a group of youths from several youth movements, so they can be informed about the Government of Seychelles Economic Reform Program being implemented with the support of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

The meeting was part of the Youth Festival which kicked off yesterday. The Youth Festival is organised by the Seychelles National Youth Council (SNYC).

Following a slide show presentation by the Secretary of State in the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Trade, SS Patrick Payet, and the Governor of CBS, Ms. Caroline Abel, the meeting was open for questions/clarifications and propositions from the youth.

The front panel consisted of Minister Naadir Hassan, SS Payet, Governor Abel and PS for Economic Planning, Mrs. Elizabeth Agathine.

Questions raised by the younger representatives of our population included; subsidies for social welfare, the social impact of the reforms, loans for young entrepreneurs, protection of the environment, the meaning of expenditure review in health and education, was the reform and IMF the only option for Seychelles, movement in the foreign exchange market, will there be redundancy in the public service, what is being done to assist businesses, and how can the young people support the reforms?

At the end of the nearly two-hour meeting, Minister Hassan urged the youths to become advocate of the reform program, as the ultimate objective is to ensure their future.

“The reforms we are undertaking now are in fact about the young generation of our country. They are long term reforms which will protect your future and you will inherit a better, robust and stronger Seychelles, where your aspirations are met.”

He explained that in order for the young generation to guarantee a brighter future, they must understand the implementation of the reforms.

“Economic recovery means more opportunities for everyone. With this economic reform program, we are aiming to build back better.”

Minister Hassan has urged the young generation to continue to engage with the authorities and has pledged that this conversation which started yesterday will be an ongoing engagement.

The youth meeting yesterday is the fourth the Ministry in collaboration with CBS has organised so far as part of its awareness campaign on the economic reform program since the Government reached a Staff-Level Agreement with IMF on 07th July 2021.

The Executive Board of IMF gave its approval to the agreement on 29th July 2021.

Source: Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Trade