
The Seychelles Tourism Academy renews its partnership with two hotel schools in Reunion Signing of a new educational cooperation agreement

The Seychelles Tourism Academy yesterday signed a new educational cooperation agreement with two hotel schools in Reunion – the Lycée Professionnel Hôtelier La Renaissance and the Lycée d’Enseignement Général et Technologique Evariste De Parny.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Tourism, Mr. Sylvestre Radegonde, the Ambassador of France to Seychelles. Mr. Dominique Mas and the director of the Seychelles Tourism Academy (STA), Mr. Terence Max signed on the Seychellois side.

Signed the document for the Hotel Professional High School La Renaissance, its headmaster Mrs. Claudine Hoarau and for the Lycée d’Enseignement Général et Technologique Evariste De Parny, also its headmaster, Mrs. Valentine Camalon.

The signing of the document took place during a ceremony at the Maison Quéau de Quinssy in person on the Seychellois side and virtually on the Reunion side.

Minister Sylvestre Radegonde said that this signing marks an important step for closer collaboration in the tourism and hotel industry between Seychelles and Reunion.

“The partnership between the Hotel School of the Seychelles and Reunion dates back several years, even since the former Hotel School of Bel Ombre. After the school was transferred under the management of the Blue Mountain School, we discontinued the exchanges in 1993. The Academy relaunched the program with the return of Mr. Flavien Joubert to the management, in 2007. Since then, until 2019, we had many exchanges of lecturers and students between the Seychelles and Reunion and subsequently, still in 2019, we renewed the agreement with the Lycée Professionnel Hôtelier La Renaissance, represented by its headmaster, Mr. Philippe Battiste,” reminded Minister Radegonde.

“It is imperative at this time, through the signing of this agreement, that the Academy and its foreign partners continue to work closely with the local private sector to give Seychellois students every chance to flourish, in particular through to an international experience within what is and will remain our main economic pillar ? tourism”, continued Minister Radegonde.

For his part, the director of the Academy, Mr. Terrence Max, welcomed this signature by affirming that it will open up opportunities thanks to direct collaborations between the different parties which will allow the exchange of experiences, expertise and resources. in a more efficient way that will maximize more for students as well as staff.

“Signing this agreement will ensure that we continue to maximize our respective strengths and comparative advantages to complement each other’s strategic work,” Mr. Max said.

He pointed out that part of the Seychelles Tourism Academy’s plan is to build new relationships, to strengthen existing relationships with professional bodies and training providers locally and internationally.

“STA’s goal is to become an academy that provides high-quality training and an institution affiliated with reputable international hotel partners, promoting the attraction of foreign students in the near future,” Mr. Max explained.

He said that through their renewal discussions the different parties have agreed to establish a general framework of cooperation. “We decided to review the agreement to finally focus on three elements including: the exchange of trainees between the two islands , the exchange of employees more specifically teachers for practical training and expertise in pedagogy as trainers; as well as for the organization or common event including the Creole Festival, La Fête de La Francophonie among others”, explained Mr. Max.

He hoped that the agreement drawn up collectively would bear fruit before expressing his gratitude to Ambassador Mas for his support and his support in the realization of this agreement.

For her part, Mrs. Claudine Hoarau, principal of the Lycée Professionnel Hôtelier La Renaissance, congratulated the culmination of a year’s work and warmly thanked all the people who in one way or another had accompanied them in in a professional manner during this year of work.

“I am very proud today to be able to relaunch this convention between our two islands . I can tell you that the teams and students are already mobilized and can’t wait to see these exchanges finally resume, ”says Ms. Hoarau.

As for Mrs. Valentine Camalon, principal of the Lycée d’Enseignement Général et Technologique Evariste De Parny, she pointed out that the Covid-19 has slowed down a certain number of their activities.

“But since this year we have relaunched the avenues of reflection to allow our students to continue their training project”, she underlined.

She added that during the time that this convention lasted we had time to study the possibilities of re-welcoming your students in our establishments and we already have a very motivated team with the necessary skills.

Ambassador Mas, for his part, congratulated the principals of the two Reunionese institutions and the director of the STA for this new agreement which, according to him, will expand the previous agreements.

“I wish you all the best for the benefit of our two educational communities. This agreement gives a new impetus to our regional cooperation”, underlined Ambassador Mas.

He pointed out that a forthcoming visit by Minister Radegonde to Reunion will materialize this new impetus by strengthening the political cooperation framework.

“This agreement is in line with the political will of the Government of Seychelles to develop vocational training in order to improve the employability of young Seychellois but also to diversify the Seychellois economy which we know has been hard hit during Covid-19. 19, mainly dependent on tourism. I am hopeful that with Reunion we can further expand our cooperation in the area of vocational training,” said Ambassador Mas.

Source: Seychelles Nation