
The police will intensify patrols and public requests to be more responsible on the week of October 19, 2022

The police have announced that they are intensifying their patrols on the road, taking into account the number of accidents that are happening and the unpleasant behavior of certain drivers this week.


Assistant Superintendent Marcus Jean, who is in charge of the regional section of the police, made this comment during a press conference yesterday morning at Kordgard Central, and this comes after another fatal accident during the weekend on Praslin, and the victim was Heddy Esther, a 31-year-old man. the


Assistant superintendent Jean said that the man who had his 21-year-old sister as he was traveling with him collided with a tree and then lost control.


“We do patrols during the week but we need to intensify in view of the current situation where since Monday we have given instructions to our officers that we need to be more visible in view of the number of fatal cases, because thirteen cases so far is too many,” Assistant Superintendent Jean ti say


The police have also appealed to people who ride scooters to be more responsible on the road, because according to Assistant Superintendent Jean, some of them are doing negligent actions that can put other motorists and pedestrians at risk.


According to Assistant Superintendent Jean, one such incident occurred on Monday where a boy on a scooter refused to be arrested in a ‘spot check’ by the Anse à La Mouche police and then drove in a dangerous and fast manner to avoid being arrested by the police.


The police said that they are taking all these cases seriously and strict action will be taken against those who are responsible and this includes scooters with two different number plates on the front and back, those who do not wear helmets on their motorcycles or scooters.


“We are taking all these incidents very seriously, and especially on the weekend where we see these situations developing where people are consuming alcohol, driving fast, scooters are ‘overtaking’ three or four other vehicles and this is really affecting the members families and members of the public in general,” according to Assistant Superintendent Jean.


The police have also appealed to parents to be more responsible towards their children, especially those who ride scooters and bicycles without a license, and in an irresponsible manner on public roads.


“When you see two or three people on a bicycle, and even among a 6-year-old family, there are no brakes on the bicycle. There are different situations that we are registering. If your child is arrested, he will be taken to the (police) station and the parents will be contacted to correct it because it is their responsibility,” according to Assistant Superintendent Jean.


Drivers are also asked to respect and obey the directives given by the police during patrols.


In the meantime, in other incidents that happened during the weekend, the police confirmed that ten people were arrested in connection with the fight between two neighboring groups near a block of flats in Cascade. Police say the investigation is ongoing.


In other incidents of alleged ‘kidnapping’ of children, the police say that at the moment there are four incidents that have been reported to them and their investigation is still preliminary to establish all the facts surrounding these allegations.


Assistant superintendent Jean says that for the moment the police will not reveal any additional information because the investigation is in progress.


Meanwhile, in their communication yesterday, the police said that Farell Payet, 33, from Belvedere, who had been reported missing since October 11, 2022, was reported to the Mont Fleuri police station.


In another case, a 37-year-old man with Nigerian nationality, who arrived in Seychelles on the Ethiopian Airline flight on October 4, 2022 in the afternoon, has been formally charged for the offense of importing a controlled drug.


The police report that when the man arrived at the Seychelles Airport, he went through the scan and his body showed that he had taken drugs. He was questioned after showing some uncomfortable signs, he was taken to the Seychelles Hospital where he was saved by the presence of police officers directing Botanic, where he was later arrested. The police returned with him to the hospital and went through the X-Ray and again showed that there were several injuries in his body. He was taken to the police station and after his arrest he excreted 93 capsules that contained cocaine and that was a total of 1 kilo 892 grams.


In another separate case, a 280-year-old man from Bougainville has been arrested and is being held for the offense of cultivating controlled drugs, specifically cannabis.


This is the result of the search that a group of police officers did on the property in his backyard in Bougainville where a certain number of drug plants were discovered behind a store.


Meanwhile, 40-year-old Michel Joubert from Point Au Sel was discovered on the Au Cap launch yesterday morning where he was unresponsive.


The police were alerted to the discovery around 5:27 this morning and immediately the officers responded to the call where the incident occurred. Mr. Jourbert was then transported to Anse Royale hospital by ambulance for medical care where he was certified dead on arrival at the hospital.


An investigation has begun in this case pending the autopsy report to determine the cause and circumstances surrounding his death.



Source: Seychelles Nation