
The Moutya Sesel Festival is officially launched in a calm atmosphere on

The atmosphere is calm, a small sofa is boasting. In Grand Kaz, white people are relaxing with a little waltz. In the basement, the workers are busy, working. Fatigue and frustration have overtaken them and everything is poured into a bowl, the drum is resonating, the smoke of fire mixed with dust creates the atmosphere for the bowl.

The official launch of Lafet Moutya Sesel took place on Tuesday night at the Domaine de Val des Près.

Compared to the opening ceremony, this is one with a difference where there was a demonstration and a montage of long life where our ancestors felt their suffering through the cross.

Present at the ceremony were certain ministers, the secretary general of the National Institute for Culture, Heritage and the Seychelles, David Andre, the permanent secretary of the institute, Cecile Kalebi, among several other guests.

This launch was also to mark the termination of the law that does not beat drums after 9 pm. This law came into force in August 1935 and was revoked in August 2018.

The Moutya Sesel Nefe festival started on Monday this week and will end on Saturday with a big Moutya night in the city center.

Source: Seychelles Nation