
The Laafi Baoré health mutual adopts reforms to revive itself

The Laafi-Baoré Urban Health Mutual (MSU-LB), faced with financial difficulties, took important decisions on August 10, 2024 to give itself a second and ensure better access caring for its approximately 6,000 members.

With a view to improving access to health care for its members, the Laafi Baoré health mutual adopted reforms during an Extraordinary General Assembly on Saturday August 10, 2024.

Thus, on the proposal of the Board of Directors of the mutual, the General Assembly decided to increase ‘the monthly contribution which is from 1000 FCFA to 2000 FCFA’, in order to consolidate its finances, from October 1, 2024 .

In addition, health check-ups are now excluded from benefit packages while dental care offers will be capped.

Laboratory examinations which absorb more than 70% of the mutual’s healthcare expenses will be monitored in particular.

Health services must also take into account public policies and programs relating to the care of children under 5 and pregnant women.

The General Assembly also
finds it essential to scrupulously respect the health pyramid which goes from the Health and Social Promotion Center (CSPS) to the reference hospitals.

The Laafi-Baoré mutual, today with more than 6,000 members, mainly covers the municipalities of the Kadiogo province.

It commissioned a study whose results will enable it to better fulfill its missions which are, among other things, to facilitate its members’ access to quality health care at a lower cost with a 30% co-payment.

In addition, the Mutual has just hired the services of a medical advisor with a view to cleaning up its expenses linked to the costs of consultations, dental care without prostheses, ophthalmological care without glasses, simple maternity, analysis basic and generic drugs.

The ‘Laafi Baoré’ urban health mutual began its activities in 2006 under the leadership of the Support Network for Health Mutuals in Burkina Faso (RAMS-BF).

To join, the mutualist must pay fees in the amount of two thousand five hundred (2500) FCFA.

Membership al
lows him or her to enroll his or her spouse and three children under 18 years of age, giving the right to the issuance of a membership card to each and coverage of care up to 70% by mutual insurance within partner health centers and facilities.

Burkina Faso is in the phase of operationalizing the Universal Health Insurance Scheme (RAMU) with a view to ensuring equitable access for the entire population, particularly workers in the informal economy, to health care. quality.

‘Our mutual is considered a model of success in the field of community initiative mutuality, and we must not fail,’ reassured the Chairman of the board of directors (PCA) of the Laafi-Baoré Urban Health Mutual , Fidel Zerbo, at the end of the Extraordinary General Assembly.

Source : Burkina Information Agency