
The grand final of Beyond Fiesta is a great success

The grand finale of the third season of Beyond Fiesta , a program produced and produced by Telesesel, was definitely very exciting and attracted a large crowd of spectators at the International Conference Center (ICCS).

The grand finale took place on Friday, December 23, and as many expected, it was a night full of talent where young people also seized the opportunity to promote traditional and cultural Creole music, artists and bands, a cultural celebration.

Six groups of dancers and dancers from Mahé and Praslin, each under the guidance of professional captains, went face to face against their peers, with the hope that they would be crowned champions for this season.

Group 1 called ‘5678 boom’ was under the guidance of Michaela Bianchi and Dynod Brigilia, while the second group, ‘New Stars’ was under the guidance of the captains, Chiara Brioche and Leandro Accouche.

Other competing groups included ‘Generation Explosion’ under the guidance of Neisha Mothee and Rahim Desnousse, ‘Nou Lorizin’ guided by Trisha Fouchee and ‘Fraka lo Zil’ under the direction of Jean-Yves Philoe.

One of the producers of the program, Ronny Marengo, expressed his satisfaction with the number of people who came to watch the spectacle, even though it was being broadcast live on the television.

Many parents and members of the public in general, as well as sponsors came to show their support for these young dancers.

To qualify and finally reach the grand final, young people who are interested and have a passion for it from Mahé and Praslin were invited to an audition that took place during the month of October, on these islands. It was slow enough that there were 36 on Mahé, with about 20 on Praslin who demonstrated their talent in front of the judges. Then, they were placed in groups that include six participants each year, excluding the Captains.

“We are really proud because we have accomplished our main objective and that is to promote our traditional country and to create a platform for young people, especially those from Praslin. It was the first time they had such a platform,” Mr. Marengo said.

“It was a difficult course and we encountered a number of difficulties but in the end, our determination made the third season of Beyond Fiesta a great success, and the young people are looking forward to more experiences in the near future,” Mr. Marengo added.

Finally, the group ‘5678 boom’ is the big winner this season, followed by ‘Fraka lo Zil’ in second position. The judges, which included the chief judges Wilnette Joseph, Diane Dodin, Alexander Rene, Neryl Franchette and Sophie Lagrenade, chose the group ‘New Star’ in third position, and ‘Explosive Talent’ in fourth position. “Generation Explosion” took the fifth position, and “Nou Lorizin”, sixth.

While the judges made their decision, spectators and members of the public voted for ‘Fraka lo Zil’, a group consisting of young people from Praslin, as their preferred group.

Our selection of portraits shows some of the groups in action during the evening.

Source: Seychelles Nation