
Stop giving excuses and accept challenges- Rev. Mrs. Tegbe-Agbo

Rev. Mrs. Patricia Akpene Tegbe-Agbo, the National Coordinator of the Women’s Ministry of the Global Evangelical Church, has challenged women to desist from giving excuses in the face of opportunities and accept challenges to achieve their God given potentials.

She said as women we must debunk the notion that leadership and for that matter success were the preserve of a select group of people.

She challenged women to break all forms of limitations militating against their progress, prosperity and aspire for greater heights.

Rev. Mrs. Tegbe-Agbo was speaking at the Tema Presbytery Women’s Ministry Rally 2023 held at the Global Evangelical Church, Yahweh Chapel in Lashibi.

Speaking on the theme: ‘The Woman who Pursues Holiness based on Luke 1:26-38, she said, like Mary, God has called every individual woman with specific assignment.

‘My beloved mothers and sisters in the Lord, just as God sent Angel Gabriel to Mary and she became the mother of the Saviour of the world, so he has set us apart for very impo
rtant roles.

Please note that ours might not be to give birth to another Jesus but God has given us very unique jobs and professions which we must do to the best of our abilities in order to impact the world. ‘

She said the time had come for women to develop fully to attain their God given potentials in order to be independent, supportive not only to their families but the nation at large.

Rev. Mrs. Tegbe-Agbo encouraged the women to be holy in all they do, take whatever God had blessed them to do seriously as through such they would succeed.

Rev. (Rtd.) Edith Adoblosu-Kuhlor, a former National Coordinator of the Women’s Ministry, in her presentation on family life called on the women to support their husbands, especially financially so they could fend for their families.

Rev. Lawrence Tefe Ganyo, the Tema Presbytery Chairman, in a sermon challenged the women that just as God changed the stories of biblical women who lived holy lives, by emulating them, their own stories would change.

The Rally was atte
nded by Rev. Mrs. Vivian Doh, the immediate past National Coordinator of the Women’s Ministry, some Pastors of the Church and their Spouses and hundreds of women drawn from the various congregations within the Tema Presbytery.

Source: Ghana News Agency