
State of Emergency Inquiry Board Satisfied with Human Rights Handling of Suspects in Addis Ababa

The treatment of suspects detained since the declaration of the state of emergency in Addis Ababa is good, according to the State of Emergency Inquiry Board.

Members of the Board visited the suspects held in the Ethiopian Federal Police Criminal Investigation Bureau today.

The members visited rooms where the suspects contact family over the phone, and consult lawyers as well as interrogation rooms.

Following their visit, members of the Board had discussion with the Federal Police Criminal Investigation Bureau Head, Deputy Commissioner General Zelalem Mengiste.

The Board Chair, Azmera Andemo, said on the occasion that they have gathered information about the human rights treatment of the suspects in closed doors in line with the request of the suspects.

Through this process, the Board members confirmed that the human rights condition of the suspects is good.

The chair said that the suspects can communicate with their families by phone, have clean prison cells supported by technology.

They have observed that the physical condition of the suspects is healthy and their human rights are protected, he added.

Agreement has been reached with the Bureau that the suspects should be brought to court after their investigations are completed, according to the chair.

Azmera stated that such visits will also be conducted in the Amhara Region.

The deputy commissioner general said on the occasion that the number of suspects arrested in Addis Ababa and Amhara Region by the State of Emergency Command Post is 226.

According to him, the Inquiry Board held discussion about the human rights condition of the suspects and reached consensus.

He pledged that the suspects would be brought to court after their investigations are carried out and the process will be made official.

The Board Chair, who said that there are information and claims that inappropriate arrests have been carried out in Addis Ababa and other places, stated that the Board will make inquiry and publicize the result.

The Deputy Commissioner said that it has been detaining suspects based on the rule of state of emergency central command post.

Therfore no one can be arrested or abused in the name of the proclamation, he stressed, adding that strong measure will be taken on individuals engaged in such activities.

Recall that the House of People’s Representatives approved a State of Emergency Inquiry Board on Monday.

The Inquiry Board has officially begun its work on Wednesday by carrying out discussion with members of the State of Emergency Central Command Post on the ongoing implementation of the proclamation.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency