
State Minister Mesganu , AU Chairperson Mahamat Hold Discussion

Foreign Affairs State Minister Mesganu Arga and African Union Commission Chairperson Moussa Faki Mahamat have held talks on various issues today.

During the discussion, Mesganu explained about the status of the peace agreement reached under the leadership of the African Union.

The state minister also explained Ethiopia’s position on the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) to the chairperson and stated that Ethiopia has a firm position that the tripartite negotiations should continue under the auspices of the African Union.

He stressed that Egypt’s attempt to politicize the Abbay water and the dam is not beneficial to any party, expressing his hope that the Union will play positive role in making the negotiations continue based on the reality on the ground.

Mesganu stated that Ethiopia appreciates the institutional reform being carried out by the African Union.

Ethiopia will provide the necessary support for the successful journey of the Union, he added.

The state minister requested that the rights and interests of Ethiopians working in the institution be taken into account during the reform.

AU Chairperson Moussa Faki Mahamat said on his part that since the Nile is an African river, the Union believes that the agenda should be continental.

The Union will therefore provide constant support for the negotiations to be held in the African Union framework, he added.

According to Mahamat, the institutional reform being carried out by the Union is conduct in a manner that respects the rights and interests of employees.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency