
SPTC deplores acts of aggression against its drivers

The Seychelles Public Transport Corporation (SPTC) has deplored several acts of aggression against its drivers and has called on members of the public to show respect to its personnel.

A communiqué from SPTC said that the company has been investing efforts and time to provide the best customer service to commuters as can be evidenced by the 55 new buses that SPTC is providing to improve comfort and safety.

“Driver safety is a priority and SPTC deplores this public behaviour. As of late 2022 there have been a series of attacks against SPTC drivers that have affected the service. To note that when service is affected, every commuter on that route is affected and one person’s actions can affect over a hundred others,” noted the communiqué.

“SPTC drivers have the right to work in a safe environment as any other worker and these types of behaviour make it impossible. Drivers do not feel safe and SPTC finds it hard to employ drivers. SPTC implores the public to show respect to their drivers as these aggressive behaviour is not acceptable. SPTC does not condone these acts,” the communiqué added.

Source: Seychelles Nation