
Socialist International says it is appalled by settlers continuing violence against Palestinian towns

RAMALLAH, Wednesday, March 15, 2023 (WAFA) – The Socialist International (SI) said it is appalled by the continuing violence and the attacks of Israeli settlers against Palestinians in Huwara (in Nablus) and other towns. ‘Israel, as the occupying power, must ensure that the civilian population is protected and perpetrators held to account,’ said SI in a statement. The SI condemned the violence and asked the parties to refrain from further steps that led to more violence and victims. ‘Further violence will only serve to harm innocent citizens of both Palestine and Israel and only benefits those who have no interest in peace.’ The Socialist International expressed its strong condemnation of the Israeli finance minister’s call to wipe out the Palestinian town of Huwara and called the Israeli authorities to repudiate those words that constitute an incitement to hate and violence specifically directed at the Palestinian population. The SI recalled all its previous statements and resolutions on Palestine and Israel and affirmed the unwavering commitment to justice, human rights, and freedom. The SI continues to fully support the internationally agreed two-state solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, and the legitimate right of the Palestinian people for their independent state on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital, living in peace and security side by side with the state of Israel, said the statement. ‘The SI remains committed to working with its member parties in Palestine and Israel, whose voices are among the most prominent for peace and the two-state solution and is needed now more than ever. The support and engagement of the international community in favor of Middle East peace and the recognition of Palestinian statehood remain vital. The SI will continue to act in support of the rights of both peoples to live in peace and will condemn any act that violates international law.’ The SI reiterated its solidarity and support with the Palestinian non-violent resistance in the pursuit of their right to live in peace. ‘The evictions of Palestinian families and the demolition of their homes in East Jerusalem and across the occupied Palestinian Territories must stop.’ The Socialist International called on all its member parties, MPs, heads of governments, and all progressive forces around the world to act and raise a strong voice in defense of justice, human rights, and international law in Palestine. It called for defending the two-state solution and a fruitful peace process to realize a comprehensive, just, and lasting peace for Palestine and Israel.

Source: Palestine News & Information Agency (WAFA)