
Seychelles ? The guest of honor for the 5th CineVision Sud

From January 14 to 21, a Seychelles delegation composed of Ms. Miera Savy and Ms. Marie-Lucy Albert will travel to the West Indies to represent the Seychelles National Institute for Cultural Heritage and the Arts; the Creative Seychelles Agency; and the Seychelles Film Classification and Permit Office at the 5th CineVision Sud and the 14th Professional Cinema Meetings.

They will be accompanied by Ms. Georgina Dilhon from Kreol International Magazine .

Mrs. Miera Damasy Savy is the international sponsor of the 14th Professional Cinematographic Meetings of the West Indies and also president of the jury of the CinéVision Sud film festival.

This competition presents films from the Antilles-Guyana, overseas territories, the Greater Caribbean and French-speaking Africa. The main objective is to offer a wide audience works presenting subjects rich in history and the experience of the aforementioned countries. A specific section is reserved for young talents, film enthusiasts, through their school film productions.

This is organized at the invitation of the Guadeloupe Pedagogical League and the Caribbean Cinema Mission, in partnership with the Tropics Cinema Institute and the Vues d’Afrique International Film Festival (Montreal, Quebec, Canada).

The interest of this mission is important for the international influence of the Seychelles. The program of the delegation will include: the presidency of the juries of the International Film Festival CinéVision Sud: participation in a conference; working sessions on how to organize a film festival; visits to historical sites to have examples for the development of cultural tourism in the Seychelles; school twinning; and press conference.

In total, there are 38 films selected for selection. The films come from 12 countries: Ivory Coast, Benin, Cuba, Senegal, French Guiana, Democratic Republic of Congo, Dominican Republic, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, France (Réunion), France, France (Guadeloupe), Jamaica and Haiti.

Knight of the Order of Arts and Letters, Ms. Miera Savy is the Secretary General of the Seychelles National Commission for La Francophonie. Having created in the Seychelles, since 2017, the Indian Ocean Cinema Workshop (twinned with the West Indies Cinema Workshop founded in 2012 by the League of Education of Guadeloupe), she is very involved in the training of young Seychellois to audiovisual practices, and in the safeguarding of film and television archives.

Ms. Savy has already spoken twice, remotely, in international colloquia organized in Guadeloupe: in January 2021 during the Africa and Diasporas colloquium organized by the Mission Cinéma Caraïbe, and in May 2022, during the colloquium ‘L’éducation est-elle unequal’, programmed at the end of the Jubilee of the 70 years of the League of Education of Guadeloupe. His arrival will strengthen the links created on these two occasions between the two archipelagos.

Source: Seychelles Nation