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Seychelles, Sweden explore potential areas for collaboration

Agriculture, Climate Change and Environment Minister Flavien Joubert has met with the pro vice-chancellor of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Dr Ylva Hillbur on the side of the Stockholm +50 meeting held in Sweden.

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss about ways Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) can help Seychelles enhance the quality of agricultural training in the country.

Discussions included creating avenues for students coming through the Seychelles Institute of Agriculture and Horticulture (SIAH), developing common areas for research, and developing an exchange programme for both students and teachers among other topics.

The ministry will hold further discussions with members of the faculty to develop proposals for cooperation with the university.

SLU is a world class university based in Umeä, ranked as the third best in the world in the subject agriculture and forestry (QS World University Rankings).

The ministry acknowledges the support of Lennart Svenson, honorary consul for Seychelles in Sweden in facilitating the discussion.

Minister Joubert also met with Swedish Ambassador Caroline Vicini who is based in Nairobi, Kenya. Opportunities for scholarships for the agricultural sector and collaboration on environmental issues were discussed.

The ambassador agreed to facilitate discussion on difficulties with shipping certain waste commodities by sea being experienced by Seychelles and also expressed a willingness to continue working with Seychelles on waste management solutions, and the international efforts on regulating plastics in the environment.

Source: Seychelles Nation