
Seychelles successfully celebrates the International Day of French Teachers

Yesterday, Thursday November 24, the Seychellois Association of French Teachers (ASEF) in collaboration with the National Commission of La Francophonie (CNF) successfully celebrated the International Day of French Teachers at the international conference center. The theme of this year’s day is “French teacher, creator of the future”.

Former and current French teachers have come together to honor this profession, which is already practiced by more than 900,000 French teachers around the world. Their common point: a passion to transmit their love of the French language and a vocation to defend it, to millions of learners. They don’t just teach a language, they are also creators of the future.

According to the International Organization of La Francophonie (OIF), the objective of the International Day of the French Teacher is therefore to promote the profession of French teacher through activities and events to create links and solidarity. It is a day when teachers can discuss, meet for friendly moments, share their experiences and their practices.

As for previous editions, the CNF with the support of its secretary general has provided financial and technical support to ensure the success of the JIPF in Seychelles. The OIF notably supports 27 projects selected by the International Committee of the JIPF and originating from the five continents.

ASEF, which recently elected its executive committee, also unveiled its new logo designed by artist Nigel Henri.

“The purpose of this moment of exchange is to take a little time informally to share our daily experiences with regard to the teaching of French. We also take the opportunity to exchange ideas on the best practices that can be adopted, in order to better identify the skills of our learners… to make them think… to make them dream”, underlined the president of ASEF Mosianne Dugasse.

For two hours, there was the intervention of several deans and teachers including Dr. Marie-Reine Hoareau, Claude Collin, Addoul Diallo, Jean de la Croix, Gaelle Nasalo and Shamad Japha

The sweetest moment of the day was the children’s interaction with their teachers from three groups of children leaving schools in La Digue, Praslin and Bel Ombre. After their short presentation, the children and teachers all received a small gift from the CNF.

The former teachers were also in the spotlight, because they had laid the foundation and had paved the way for supervising today’s French teachers.

The guests had the chance to hear two songs by two French teachers Andy Wirtz and Shamad Japha and a poem recited by Sangare Moustapha Kemoko.

A day filled with sharing and long live the teachers who help to promote the language of Molière in the country.



Source: Seychelles Nation