
Seychelles strongly supports the establishment of AP-COI

The initial plans to reactivate the Indian Ocean Parliamentary Association ? ‘l’Association des parlementaires des Etats members de la Commission de l’Océan Indien’ (AP-COI) ? came to a realisation at the first executive committee meeting which took place from February 9-10, 2023 in Antananarivo, Madagascar.

Deputy Speaker Gervais Henrie, and honourables Philip Monthy and Egbert Aglae took part in the meeting as members of the ‘l’Association des parlementaires des Etats members de la Commission de l’Océan Indien’ (AP-COI) executive committee.

The meeting was organised by the Indian Ocean Commission (IOC) with the aim of promoting good governance and harmonising the voice of the people of the region on the international stage through the representation of parliamentarians.

The two-day forum reunited the parliamentarians from the National Assemblies of the member states of the IOC, namely Seychelles, Mauritius, Madagascar, Comoros, and Reunion (France).

The aim of the meeting was to provide an active platform for discussion on the necessary procedures and steps of the AP-COI that was to be established at the closing of the meeting. This included the functions of the secretariat of the AP-COI, the structure of the organ, its presidency and other governance matters.

Hon. Monthy viewed this initiative as one “that will help strengthen the ties between the members, hence creating a common platform whereby best practices can be shared, and issues of common importance can be tackled”.

Madagascar took the helm as president of the AP-COI with Comoros as vice-president, while both Seychelles and Mauritius took up the positions of rapporteur.

Head of the delegation, Hon. Henrie, stated that “the meeting was a fruitful collaboration between regional parliamentarians. We decided upon some practical resolutions, and I am hopeful that the AP-COI will be an effective organ in the evolution of regional cooperation”.

Following the visit of the secretary general of the IOC, Professor Vêlayoudom Marimoutou, to Seychelles and the other parliaments in the region, the conference of Speakers as the supreme body of the association met and agreed on a roadmap for the AP-COI back in December 2022. This then kicked into action the executive committee meeting to establish the association and its governance structures.

Hon. Aglae viewed the experience as extremely valuable noting that “being part and renewing the engagement of AP-COI is of vital importance and has a key role to play when it comes to regional integration for our socio-economic development. As we forge ahead to improve harmonisation, this will help pave the way for a common agenda on issues affecting our region and thus develop common strategies”.

The AP-COI will allow elected representatives from the Indian Ocean region to synchronise their messages on important international issues including climate change, sustainable development, vulnerability index, gender and rights issues, good governance, stability and the youth, among many others.

The accompanying photos show Seychelles’ delegation among other delegates attending the conference in Madagascar.

Source: Seychelles Nation