
‘Seychelles’ first telethon a success’, says Gilles Lionnet

Seychelles’ first telethon has been described a success organisation-wise, but the amount of money raised will only be known later this week, according to Gilles Lionnet, a member of Telethon’s organising committee.

Mr Lionnet said this to host Raymond Clarisse near the end of Saturday’s marathon music event ? ‘Telethon Solidarite 2021’ ? which lasted over five hours and was beamed live across the main islands of Seychelles into the homes on both Seychelles Broadcasting Corporation (SBC), Télésesel, based in the United Kingdom (UK) and Youtube under the theme ‘Annou Viv Konman Frer’.

Several of Seychelles’ musicians and singers ? debutants and seasoned ? came together in the name of hope and charity to raise funds for the children of Seychelles and Madagascar and the artists themselves.

Poets, fashion models, visual artists and comedians also made their contributions to the telethon’s success.

“I thank everyone for putting together this big event. It has reinforced the values of brotherhood and sharing. It’s like a shining light guide our way. This is historic,” added Mr Lionnet.

He noted that it took them four months to put together the event and urged SBC and Télésesel to continue giving exposure to local artists, before thanking host Raymond Clarisse.

All songs performed, pre-recorded and live, were based around the spirit of sharing, hope for all, solidarity, and Creole joie de vive.

Jean-Marc Volcy, Joseph Sinon, Mervin Camille, Mia, Clive Camille, Antoinette Dodin, Ketty Melanie, Stanley Monnaie, Jude De Commarmond, May Paule Louise, Philip Toussaint, Sandra, Tyanna, Roland André, Mellow, Louis, Emmanuel Marie, Patrick Nanty, Tania Jeremie, Jude Beaudoin, David Andre, Joe Samy, Sly and Vanessa Juliette are some of the singers who performed on the day accompanied by a host of bands ? Island Vibrations, Fade, Zenith, Kooolshell and The Relations.

The pre-recorded songs were filmed in beautiful spots like Maison Marengo, Resort Marina & Spa, and Treasure Cove.

Produced by TGV Production of Ambassador for Culture Patrick Victor and Island Music Seychelles of Gilles Lionnet, the event was organised in collaboration with the National Arts Council (Nac), the Red Cross Society of Seychelles (RCSS), and the two local broadcasters – SBC and Télésesel – who were key partners in getting the masses involved.

Members of the public (Airtel customers) had to text 9689 to contribute R10 towards the cause and Absa Seychelles has agreed to double up the collected amount up to R50,000.

Eighty percent of the profits from the activity will be given to the RCSS which will initiate various local projects for local children, while the remaining twenty percent will go towards the children of Madagascar.

Initially set to be held on November 27 and Sunday November 28, the event was postponed due to commitment of several artists, especially with their involvement in the Dubai Expo 2020.

Prior to the staging of the telethon, Mr Lionnet said out of the R400,000 budgeted for the event, R335,000 has gone directly towards paying the artists, while the remaining balance has been absorbed by the logistic side of the project, including lights, sounds and transportation.

American comedian and actor Milton Berle is credited with hosting the first ever telethon which NBC broadcasted from 12pm on April 9, 1949, to 3.55am on April 10, 1949. The 16-hour telecast raised $1,100,000 for the Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation. The first published appearance of the word ‘telethon’ was in the following day’s newspapers.

The accompanying photos show some of the musicians who performed during Saturday’s Telethon.

Source: Seychelles Nation