
Seychelles embraces cutting edge telecommunication solutions

Local customers will, through Airtel Seychelles, be able to access AVAYA devices for better connectivity, voice, internet, fix line and mobile services, among other communication services.

This is as a result of Airtel Africa partnering with the American-based multinational technology company to deliver end to end communication solutions services in the country.

A live demo to showcase cutting edge technology experience to be accessible in the country was held at the Eden Bleu Hotel yesterday.

The one day presentations and deliberations depicting the end communication solution through products and services offered by Airtel Africa and AVAYA in collaboration with Airtel Seychelles, was opened by Vice-President Ahmed Afif. It was attended by government ministers, the director-service providers Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa (AVAYA) Nour Al Atassi, the enterprise-head- Airtel Africl Luc Serviant, the managing director of Airtel Seychelles Amadou Dina , other representatives from government, organisations and entities, the private sector and representatives from Airtel Africa, AVAYA and Airtel Seychelles.

AVAYA is a multinational company specialising in cloud telecommunication and a telecommunication contact centre for solutions for multiple and vertical enterprises from government to health care to hospitality, banking and insurance among others. The products and services it offers especially in telephones and video system technologies are aimed at making communications seamless for businesses, big and small, while also improving customer experience and satisfaction.

Through this partnership, our country is the first among 14 markets in Africa to experience the Airtel/ AVAYA products and services. Using the Airtel/AVAYA platform will allow government organisations and enterprises in the private sector to, in a harmonised experience, communicate with customers in multiple channels or applications. AVAYA has millions of customers present in 190 countries over the World and some of the best communication practices being held in those countries were shared with the local participants.

In his keynote address, Vice-President Afif said that a thriving technology and communications sector is critical for the future of the country economy and that the partnership between Airtel and AVAYA demonstrates the sustained investment growth with the tech and telecommunication sector.

He added that seeing the telecom sector organising an event of this nature, Seychelles in on the right path taking into account that telecommunication is a very fast evolving business and the telecom partners are networking to find the best people around the world who have the best technology that can get the country to where it wants to go.

He said the country wants to join the world a rapid communication, a world of efficient systems and a world where it makes it a lot easier to do the same things done today in a much more sophisticated way.

“Congratulations and thank you for making the effort to grow the sector, to modernise the sector, which will take Seychelles to the level that we would like it to be which is modern, fast and efficient,” Vice-President Afif said.

He noted that with the government as the regulator, it will continue to see at the best way, whether by law or regulations, to make things happen fast for telecommunication companies in the country.

Vice-President Afif also thanked Airtel and AVAYA for encouraging not just the local businesses through their products and services but external businesses also that have added more value to our economy.

He added that the Airtel/AVAYA experience will surely help Airtel Seychelles to be more efficient and its competitors to look for other products as well that will help the country move vibrantly to the next level in this digital world.

Mr Dina said with the partnership bringing in the cutting edge technology in the country, all businesses, government offices, the private sector and the community at large will have those kinds of technologies available at their use.

He added that Airtel is committed to supporting the government’s vision to transform the country digitally and that it will make sure the country stands out everywhere in terms of telecommunications.

Mr Serviant, who gave an overview of Airtel Africa telecommunication activities in operation in 14 African countries, said that bonding of AVAYA technologies with Airtel Africa’s connectivity services was mainly for value added purposes for the benefit of customers.

He stated that the ambition of Airtel business Africa is to become an advisor for the digital transformation of its customers.

He added that now that Airtel Africa has started to introduce the use of communication via satellite to customers, such service will be introduced in the country in the near future.

It was Mr Al Atassi who made the presentations on the solutions products in relation to unifying communications and contact centres and how they integrate with different customs applications to transform businesses.

The first product demo in the morning took the customers through the solutions and how they work with the different customised applications such as in banking and hospitality while the second demo in the afternoon took the participants to the various devices and how they integrate to some of these cloud solutions.

Source: Seychelles Nation