
SeyCCAT project sets Sootina off to fly into children’s hearts

A novel kind of children’s book was launched yesterday, Tuesday 10th August at the Crown Beach Hotel, Anse Royale.

The author of Sootina’s story, professor Chris Feare, is a renowned scientist with over 40 years conducting research of the birds in Seychelles. This book has tapped into the need to engage with children to carry on the torch for the conservation of Seychelles through children’s tales.

Noting that scientific research is generally published in research journals in technical language that limits its understanding to a select few, Prof. Feare decided to present his latest findings in a form that could be accessible to his least likely audience, children.

Illustrated by Robert Mondon, the book makes use of information that was gathered during another SeyCCAT project, the sooty tern satellite tracking project, led by Dr Rachel Bristol, to document a story of adventure across the Indian Ocean.

Children will be able to learn about the marine ecosystem and its threats through Sootina, a female sooty tern, and her journey from hatching on Bird Island, flying off for adventures across the Indian Ocean then returning to Bird Island to breed. It is an opportunity for children to learn about a sooty tern’s dependence on tuna, climate change, overfishing, challenging weather conditions and the egg harvesting industry in a way that will engage them into being environmentally-conscious and inspire them to take up careers in conservation.

In attendance at the launch were officials from the ministries responsible for tourism, environment, and education accompanied by members of the SeyCCAT team.

A copy of the book Sootina’s Story has already been gifted to President Wavel Ramkalawan and will be available for purchase in Seychelles at R100.

Source: National Information Services Agency