
Ronald Cafrine appointed PS for Trade

President Wavel Ramkalawan has announced the appointment of Ronald Cafrine as the new principal secretary for Trade.

Mr Cafrine holds a BA (Hons) in Economics from the University of Essex, UK and has over 26 years of working experience in both the public and private sector.

He started his public service career as an economist and he has held several senior positions in Finance. His most recent appointment was Commissioner General of the Seychelles Revenue Commission, a post he held from September 2017 until May 2019, when he joined the private sector.

Mr Cafrine’s appointment as PS for Trade took effect from March 1, 2022.

The Office of the President has also announced that the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Trade will henceforth be known as the Ministry of Finance, National Planning and Trade, reflecting the broader role being assigned to the former Economic Planning department.

Cillia Mangroo, the outgoing PS for Trade, will now assume the post of executive director in the Office of the Minister.

Source: Seychelles Nation