
R10 billion budget proposed for 2023

Finance, National Planning and Trade Minister Naadir Hassan is authorising a sum not exceeding ten billion, four hundred and ninety five million, one hundred and forty nine thousand six hundred and sixty five (R10,495,149,665) rupees to be paid out of the Consolidated Fund for the services and expenditure of the republic for the year 2023.

The Appropriation Bill, 2023 (Bill No. 26 of 2023) which seeks to provide for the payment of moneys out of the Consolidated Fund required by the Budget for the year 2023, is dated October 20, 2022.

The following is the table of allocation of authorised expenditure as proposed in the Appropriation Bill 2023:


Allocation of Authorised Expenditure                                                                                             R’000

Office of the President                                                                                                                       63,314

Department of Legal Affairs                                                                                                               59,486

Department of Defence                                                                                                                      455,238

Public Service Bureau                                                                                                                         34,966

Department of Information and Communication Technologies                                                                72,802

The Judiciary                                                                                                                                      94,465

The Legislature                                                                                                                                   44,383

Office of the Auditor General                                                                                                              21,092

Office of the Ombudsman                                                                                                                  3,875

Office of the Public Service Appeals Board                                                                                            1,137

The Curatelle Office                                                                                                                            5,559

Constitutional Appointments Authority                                                                                                   1,875

Electoral Commission                                                                                                                          20,341

Ministry of Fisheries                                                                                                                            110,343

Ministry of Finance, National Planning and Trade                                                                                   179,349

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Tourism                                                                                                331,439

Ministry of Internal Affairs                                                                                                                 701,185

Ministry of Education                                                                                                                          1,285,588

Ministry of Lands and Housing                                                                                                          399,234

Ministry of Local Government and Community Affairs                                                                          140,024

Ministry of Health                                                                                                                                106,307

Ministry of Transport                                                                                                                          41,345

Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs                                                                                           90,710

Ministry of Agriculture, Climate Change and Environment                                                                    254,285

Ministry of Youth and Sports and Family                                                                                               39,403

Ministry of Investment, Entrepreneurship and Industry                                                                       16,356

Office of the Mayor of Victoria                                                                                                         6,923

Institute of Early Childhood Development                                                                                      41,865

Seychelles Licensing Authority                                                                                                         19,145

Fair Trading Commission                                                                                                                     16,128

National Bureau of Statistics                                                                                                              17,166

Seychelles Revenue Commission                                                                                                      246,754

National Tender Board                                                                                                                        4,066

Tax and Customs Agent Board Revenue Tribunal                                                                          1,404

Seychelles Investment Board                                                                                                            9,617

Public Enterprise Monitoring Commission                                                                                      10,197

Government Audit Committee                                                                                                          869

Financial Intelligence Unit                                                                                                                  25,857

Seychelles Bureau of Standards                                                                                                        29,108

Seychelles Qualifications Authority                                                                                                  9,627

Planning Authority                                                                                                                               18,384

Seychelles Energy Commission                                                                                                         42,764

Seychelles Human Rights Commission                                                                                             8,560

Seychelles Media Commission                                                                                                          2,700

Public Health Authority                                                                                                                      79,609

Industrial Estates Authority                                                                                                                60,474

Seychelles Nurses and Midwives Council                                                                                        1,752

Health Professional Council                                                                                                               1,355

Seychelles Medical and Dental Council                                                                                           979

Anti-Corruption Commission                                                                                                             53,263

Seychelles Maritime Safety Administration                                                                                    13,764

Seychelles Meteorological Authority                                                                                               16,543

Seychelles Intelligence Service                                                                                                         19,376

Information Commission                                                                                                                     2,987

Seychelles Communication Regulatory Authority                                                                          9,276

Seychelles Law Commission                                                                                                               3,953

Seychelles Infrastructure Agency                                                                                                     108,844

Seychelles Fire and Rescue Services Agency                                                                                     76,832

Seychelles Land Transport Agency                                                                                                   176,975

Enterprise Seychelles Agency                                                                                                           9,433

Agency for Social Protection                                                                                                             27,487

Landscape and Waste Management Agency                                                                                  270,897

Seychelles National Youth Council                                                                                                    21,419

Health Care Agency                                                                                                                             1,193,496

National Aids Council                                                                                                                          4,001

National Council For Children                                                                                                            14,735

National Sports Council                                                                                                                       104,852

Social Workers Council                                                                                                                       736

Seychelles Broadcasting Corporation                                                                                              120,801

Seychelles National Institute of Culture, Heritage and the Arts                                                            137,678

Home Care Agency                                                                                                                              321,942

Other Wages and Salaries                                                                                                                  394,890

Other Goods and Services                                                                                                             131,669

Social Programs of Central Government                                                                                         298,200

Subvention to Public Enterprises                                                                                                      44,930

Benefits and Approved Programs of Agency for Social Protection                                                     1,202,876

Others                                                                                                                                           10,000

Net Lending                                                                                                                                  265,228

Development Grants to Public Enterprises                                                                                          148,661

Contingency                                                                                                                                  50,000

Tax Exemption                                                                                                                              10,000


GRAND TOTAL                                                                                                                          10,495,149.665




Source: Seychelles Nation