
Public views on the past year and what they are hoping for the New Year

It is obvious that it will be another difficult year but, nevertheless, the people of Seychelles feel more optimistic, as many things have improved in 2021, under the leadership of President Wavel Ramkalawan and the new administration.

Positive feedbacks from all over, with the country’s economy bouncing back, through sacrifices of the people, while the country’s vaccination rate is still one of the best, despite the fact that the Covid-19 pandemic is far from over.

As a whole, the Covid-19 has been the main reason the year has been tough for most people, and through the twelve months, the pandemic has been the focus for the main opposition party (United Seychelles). Through various press conferences during the year, party leader Patrick Herminie, along with executive committee members, did not shy about calling out on the government, using some pretty sharp statements, stressing on the ‘supposed’ issue of mismanagement of the pandemic on quite a significant scale.

However, during the last quarter of the year, the people of Seychelles were relieved that finally, suspects were being arrested in connection with the US $50 million corruption case under investigation by the Anti-Corruption Commission Seychelles (ACCS), and produced before Chief Justice (CJ) Rony Govinden of the Supreme Court.

Commissioner of the ACCS, May De Silva, maintained the commission’s independence in conducting the investigation, and prosecuting suspects involved in the alleged corruption.

She explained that the ACCS has been conducting the investigation for a long time, and that it wants the investigations to be just, while presenting pure facts to the court.

Ms De Silva further noted that the ACCS is operating in accordance with the law, and that it is an independent institution that conducts its work with integrity, and that it is not a partisan investigation.

If managed to be brought back into our economy, the money will definitely bring a ray of positive changes over the country, financially.

With the beginning of the New Year, Seychelles NATION met up with several individuals to get their views on the past year and what they are hoping for the New Year.


“Last year was very challenging, but surprisingly I did not expect us to bounce back as quickly as we did. Compared to 2020, last year we managed to stabilise to some extent the economy and I hope that we will continue along this path until we reach some level of normalcy, hopefully at one point during this New Year, or early next year.” (Thomas)

“In all honesty, the year was a good one for me, despite the ups and downs. Mostly everything, more or less fell into place, achieving my targets, while leaving behind all sorts of negativity.

For 2022, I am more determined than ever and I am ready to achieve all of my set goals, not only to prove all those who tried to bring me down last year wrong, but more importantly to gain a good sense of fulfilment or accomplishment.” (Jennifer)

“Frankly, 2021 seemed like a long year. There has been much criticism, while people had to adapt to a lot of changes.

The country has been through a lot of challenges, and for Seychelles some may say it was a transformative year.

Hopefully in 2022, the year starts on a good note with a sense of positivity. Hoping for good health, success both personally and professionally.” (Sacha)

“The past year was not too good, with a lot of calamities. I personally lost three relatives

Hopefully the President will work better for the benefit of the most unfortunate and the people of Seychelles as a whole.

Salary increment is a must since everything is expensive.

Hoping for the best for 2022 with God’s Grace and also for a better Seychelles.” (Mona)

“It was the year where we saw the impact of Covid-19 on our economy and health system and our lives, while the new government’s policies impacted different people in different ways.

The main thing to follow in 2022 will be the ACCS cases, things which I thought would never happen.

I hope that for this year we keep forging forward towards prosperity.” (Roxy)

“It has been a difficult year with nothing good coming out of it for me. For this one, I am hoping to be able to achieve whatever I have planned, so I can end 2022 on a better note.” (Patsy)

“Last year for me personally was great, since I managed to achieve a few personal goals. Now, more than ever, there are a lot of opportunities to start up businesses and venture into entrepreneurship.

If people are wise enough to come up with great ideas that have never been developed here on local ground they stand a big chance of victory but if you are going to copy and paste a business, then your chance of moving forward is very low.

I also like how some businessmen quickly changed their business plan to suit the new normal. For example, Barrel Night Club which has been converted into a small restaurant in order to keep business flowing.

Great initiative by the Barrel Night Club management team. My hats off to you guys!

In 2021 I also felt for the people who lost the battle against Covid-19 and also cancer that lately is the common reasons for many deaths in the country.

On the national level I am very satisfied as the government managed to re-open the country, with our tourism industry taking off well despite the Covid-19 turbulence.

Businessmen such as taxi drivers, boat operators and all actors in the industry are getting a little business to sustain their families.

Of course, it is not like before but slowly we will get there.

As for the cost of living, it keeps escalating, but I cannot elaborate more on it because I do not know what these businessmen or shopkeepers are facing.

Only until they pronounce themselves, then I shall be able to comment or criticise.

All in all it was not that bad compared to the rest of the world. We are making progress and we are managing our Covid-19 situation very well I guess.” (Dominique)

“The past year was very challenging given the Covid-19 situation and having tested positive twice myself.

It has had an impact on my personal, professional and social life just like everyone else.

However, it was not all bad and I welcomed my second child late last year and the fact that my baby and the rest of the family is healthy, I am very grateful.

I am hoping that 2022 will be a better year for everyone and that we will hear the end of Covid-19.

Given the current uncertainties, one cannot make big plans for this coming year.” (Maria)

“Last year was not an easy one for me, especially with my health issues, alongside the Covid-19 pandemic, making my situation very difficult.

I however thank all those who are risking their lives to help others dealing with the pandemic.

As for the government, a good job was started last year and hopefully in 2022, take up from where we left and help the country progress.” (Catherine)

Source: Seychelles Nation