
Prospective tenants get an overview of SPF’s new building

After being a landmark in Victoria for decades, the Pirates Arms building on Independence Avenue was officially brought down in February 2016, making space for a new multi-storey building with a modern look including a feel of Creole architecture.

Property of the Seychelles Pension Fund (SPF), the new building, once completed, will provide facilities such as entertainment, restaurants, food courts, shops and also a semi-basement parking.

Prospective tenants from the hospitality, retail and entertainment sectors for the new building had an overview of the proposed facilities yesterday, during a consultative meeting hosted by the SPF at the Deepam Cinema.

The meeting was also an opportunity for the potential tenants to familiarise themselves with the terms and conditions of the ex-Pirates Arms building – 13,631 square metres – which will be available on a minimum five-year lease agreement with options to renew.

According to the SPF, priority will be given to the ex-Pirates Arms tenants – ground floor – and successful bidders from previous tender exercises undertaken.

Once confirmed, tenants will be required to contribute towards the final development of their respective space.

The SPF has also confirmed that the official bidding process for tenants will begin next week and will be followed by the bidding of building contractors.

Source: Seychelles Nation