
Prison Service Week

As part of the activities organised in observance of the first Prison Service Week to be held in twelve years, the Seychelles Prison Service (SPS) yesterday held a half-day of activities at the Montagne Posée prison.

The service week, under the theme ‘Working together towards success’, is an opportunity for the service to recognise staff and the work performed, as well as to showcase other initiatives underway and in support of rehabilitation of inmates.

Yesterday’s activities kicked off with a spiritual reflection, presided over by Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Port Victoria Alain Harel, who spoke of the importance of rehabilitating inmates, and aiding them to reintegrate into society after they have finished their sentences.

Bishop Harel said that the tendency to see inmates as merely criminals needs to stop, as they are after all human, and have moments of weakness just as any other citizens.

The service was assisted by employees of the service, partners of the prison, namely, representatives of non-governmental organisations (NGOs), the Agency for the Prevention of Drug Abuse and Rehabilitation (Apdar), the Islands Development Company (IDC), Penlac Company Limited, the Public Utilities Corporation (PUC), and Chaka Brothers, among others, as well as some inmates.

The spiritual service was followed by a parade inspection by the Superintendent of the Prison, Raymond St Ange, as well as a ceremony to welcome the new recruits to the service, and to recognise and award the SPS’ longest serving staff.

In his remarks, Superintendent St Ange stated that the re-launching symbolises and confirms to the wider community that the SPS is moving towards success, especially now that it has aligned its operations to the Nelson Mandela Rules and is working to intensify training for employees.

“The Prison Service Week is in essence about our staff, the men and women who day in and day out step up to serve, rain, shine, coolness of the night air, shouts of stressed inmates and the onset of Covid-19 have not deterred you. I am proud to lead you,” he said.

“Thank you for your service, dedication, your valued inputs and contributions. Let us work together towards the successful delivery of prison service where corruption is not tolerated nor accepted. Let the public look to us as we stand before them in our uniforms with appreciation that yes we are doing the best we can. We can do it and we are doing it. Today’s re-launch and all that we have seen and done proves this,” Mr St Ange stated, addressing the new recruits and dedicated staff of the service.

Having completed their probation with SPS, four new recruits, namely, Vincent Petrousse, Lucianne Boniface, Giovanni Adonis, and Losiana Vidot, were presented with their confirmation letters and welcomed to the service by Superintendent St Ange.

A group of fifteen new recruits who have completed their United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Nelson Mandela course were also handed their certificates.

For most, the highlight of yesterday’s activities was the staff promotions and long-service awards. Among the staff members who were promoted to the rank of Sergeant, were Corporal Winsley Leon, and Lance Corporal Bishwa Jit Karki.

As for the long-service awards, numerous members of staff were acknowledged for their loyalty, commitment and dedication over the years. A total of 30 staff who have amassed five to nine years of service was recognised, while seven were recognised for 15 to 20 years in service.

Chief Inspector Jocelyn Ernesta, Inspector Lorna Forte and Andre Didon, were awarded as SPS’ longest serving staff.

Ms Ernesta joined the prison service in April 1998, where she started work at the Long Island Prison. After ten years of service, she decided to quit the job, but returned exactly ten years later in October 1988. Over the years, Ms Ernesta has worked for ten years at the Montagne Posée Prison, and for the past four years, she has been working at the Detention Remand Facility at Bois de Rose. She will, on October 1 celebrate 27 years of service.

Ms Ernesta said she is grateful to God for all she has achieved in her career, thanking both past and present management.

The accompanying photos show some highlights of the event yesterday.

Source: Seychelles Nation