
President Kenyatta seals visit with symbolic tree-planting

The President of the Republic of Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta, yesterday planted a coco de mer nut in the Botanical Garden as a symbol of his visit to Seychelles.

President Kenyatta was welcomed by the Minister for Agriculture, Climate Change and Environment, Flavien Joubert and the chief executive of the Seychelles Parks and Gardens Authority (SPGA), Allen Cedras.

President Kenyatta first visited the tortoise park where he had the opportunity to feed the reptiles. Marie-France Valentin, the assistant horticultural officer, gave the President of Kenya a brief on the animals and their habits. The President was accompanied by his delegates who also had the opportunity to feed and learn about the Aldabra giant tortoises.

The delegation then proceeded to the main garden area where President Kenyatta was presented with a coco de mer nut which he planted in the presence of Minister Joubert and the CEO Cedras. The tree planting is a symbolic gesture to mark his visit on the island.

The nut, which will soon germinate, will take approximately 10 to 15 years under proper conditions to bear fruit if it is female. A small fencing will be erected around the area of the tree and a plaque with the name of the president and the year it was planted placed on it.

The accompanying photos show some highlights of President Kenyatta’s visit to the Botanical Garden.

Source: Seychelles Nation