
Praying for an end to the Russia-Ukraine war

The Anglican and Ukrainian communities in Seychelles yesterday joined, in the second Sunday for the Lent season, to pray for an end to the war in Ukraine.

The Sunday Service held at the Anglican Church was to express support and solidarity with the peaceful civilian people of Ukraine.

Also present were the honorary consul of Ukraine in Seychelles, Maryna Morin-Adeline, French ambassador to Seychelles, Dominique Mas and the British high commissioner to Seychelles, Patrick Lynch.

In his sermon, Reverend Brian Volcère, who was leading the service, said that while we pray for an end to suffering that the people of Ukraine are enduring, we should also pray for the Russian people and for God to intervene against evil thoughts that have attacked the Russian leaders and led them to commit such atrocities. He also asked God to continue to bless our country and to rid it of the social ills that are still rampant.

Reverend Volcère said while it is customary for neighbours to look after their neighbours, in this world of globalisation, Ukraine is our neighbour and it is why the service was being held, which is to extend a helping hand to our brothers and sisters in Ukraine.

Towards the end of the service, Mrs Morin-Adeline, who took the stage, called on everyone in the country to pray for the suffering Ukrainian people and for the fallen civilians and soldiers who gave their lives in a nonsensical meaningless war. She stated that anyone wishing to contribute financially towards helping the Ukrainian Army, can do so via a special bank account that has been set up to receive donations. She added that those wishing to contribute can contact her office located at Bois de Rose Avenue or on telephone number 262 0199 as well as by email for further details. She later revealed the bank account as UA84300001000000004733092708.

Mrs Morin-Adeline stated that by now everybody knows what is happening in her country, which have cost around 2000 lives of the very peaceful civilian people, not mentioning the lives of the soldiers that have already perished on both sides. She added that we all pray to see an end to this war which will spare the lives of thousands more.

On behalf of the Church’s Mothers’ Union, its chairman, Helene Prosper, called on the mothers in Ukraine to believe in ‘hope’ as it will soon bring joy and peace to them. She stated that 4 million Mother’s Union members across 84 countries, including in Seychelles, are praying 24 hours, in different time zones, for peace in Ukraine. She noted that Mother’s Unions across Europe are collecting funds to help refugees and the funds will be delivered in due time.

She also called on everyone to continue to pray for the people of Ukraine as prayers changes everything.

The service ended with the Ukrainian National anthem, church messages and announcements and hymn ‘Onward Christian Soldiers’.

Source: Seychelles Nation