
Police step up campaign to deter criminal activities and other offences during festive season

With the approaching festive season, the police are intensifying their end of year ‘Crime Prevention’ initiatives and ‘Arrive Alive’ campaign, which started on December 7, 2021, aimed at deterring drunk driving and the consumption of alcohol on public roads.

A combined team of some thirty officers from different police units, assisted by the military, were on Friday evening in the vicinity of the Fairyland car park at Anse Royale, conducting a major stop and search activity. There were also similar road blocks in other areas on Mahé, including on Praslin and La Digue, which continued over the weekend.

The officers were not only targeting drunken drivers, unlicensed drivers, faulty or unlicensed or uninsured vehicles, but also searching for stolen property, offensive weapons and wanted persons among others to prevent criminal activities, not forgetting also people in contravention of public health regulations.

Superintendent Antoine Desnousse, head of visible policing, said that apart from the road blocks that were being set up, the police will also show their presence in the communities to deter possible criminal activities and to make sure that residents are abiding by the Public Order Act and health regulations in place.

He added that although the campaign will end on January 7, 2021, the police operation to deter road offences and criminal activities, will continue.

“All we want is to ensure that people are safe on the road, without any fatality, and in the community people are able to enjoy the festive season in tranquillity without their houses being broken into or disturbed by loud music, especially from cars who park anywhere to make such disturbances,” said Superintendent Desnousse.

He noted that the police will also be on the lookout for thefts against our visitors. He also reminded that it is an offence for drivers and passengers to consume alcohol in vehicles and for drivers to carry any sort of items (considered an offensive weapon) inside, except in the boot of the car.

He added that all criminal offences carry fines and penalties, including being jailed and the police will not take any pity as people are aware of such criminal offences, in view of the constant warnings given by the police.

For her part, assistant Superintendent Vanessa Jean, regional commander for the south west region, called on residents to secure their properties and for people in the community to report to the police any crimes or dubious persons in their neighbourhood.

She noted that the caller can choose to remain anonymous.

The ‘Crime Prevention’ initiatives and ‘Arrive Alive’ campaign is held every year. During the one hour that Seychelles NATION was present on Friday evening at Anse Royale during the operation, nobody was cautioned or apprehended for road offences or for other criminal activities.

The photos show some highlights of the stop and search activity by the police on Friday evening at Anse Royale.

Source: Seychelles Nation