
‘People with ASP benefits do not need to register for temporary assistance’

All people who receive some benefit from the Social Protection Agency (ASP) do not need to register for this temporary assistance of 500 rupees and also 300 rupees to assist them with their bill, said Minister Patricia Francourt.

The Minister of Employment and Social Affairs has once again reaffirmed the government’s commitment to helping families and individuals facing difficult financial situations.

In a press conference on Friday, Minister Francourt, accompanied by ASP chief executive Brenda Morin and Lenny Palit, director general of national planning at the finance ministry, emphasized the benefits of ASP and explained the category of people. to benefit from this 500 rupees of temporary assistance that they have in the system and it is not necessary for them to carry out the registration procedure and due to internal work is being done to identify all the people who are eligible for this assistance.

These benefits include retirement benefits, disability benefits, disability benefits, home carers .

“There are individuals who can benefit from this assistance once and for all, so an exercise is being done to verify all records of assistance and schemes before any payments are made. For example, a pensioner may not be eligible for this assistance of 500 rupees if he or she receives a benefit or pension from the Seychelles Pension Fund and at the same time receives assistance from the ASP and both benefits together exceed 9 thousand rupees. This also applies to people who work as a home carer and at the same time receive other benefits, which together make more than 9 thousand rupees.

“And even if you do not benefit from this temporary assistance and you also receive a benefit through ASP and both of you together do not reach 9 thousand rupees, there you will not receive this assistance for the second time,” Minister Francourt said. spring.

Ms. Morin clarified that people who receive many of these benefits, for example, if you are a home carer and at the same time you are receiving disability benefits, you will once receive these 500 rupees of temporary assistance.

Ms. Morin also reminded people of the benefits that their details are missing from the system and that the ASP knows where they are.

“If you are a person who is on benefits and has arrived on time to pay this temporary assistance of 500 rupees and you do not see it credited to your account, then you are not eligible,” said Ms. Morin, referring to the resort. 15 thousand people who benefit from the Social Protection Agency and who are in the system.

It is made clear that the 500 rupee temporary assistance is different from the social welfare assistance provided by the ASP.

In the meantime, Minister Francourt has called on those who are eligible for assistance with a reduction in their electricity bill through the reduction ( rebate ) that the PUC has given is still in place for people in difficulty.

He says that there are also many people who do not come forward because they do not have fluid in their hands. May the request of those in need be reconsidered.

Mr. Palit is calling for people to know their family budget well and know their priorities.

It says that the vulnerability of a family or an individual can be defined in different ways. But the important thing is that families need to know what their income is.

In the meantime, Mr. Palit also said that a hotline and email will be set up from July 22 where people will be able to register their concerns.

It also says that they are discussing a form of legal documentation that people need to sign to prevent people from trying to defraud the assistance system and that more details will be provided in the coming days.

Source: Seychelles Nation