
Peace Council, three faith-based organisations call for an end to politics of religion

The National Peace Council (NPC) and its key partners; Christian Council of Ghana, Office of the National Chief Imam and Catholic Bishops Conference of Ghana, have called for an end to the politics of religion.

The four organisations in a statement copied to the Ghana News Agency, said they had observed with great concern some insinuations and publications on electronic and social media platforms, seeking to inflame religious passion into the Elections 2024.

‘As the National Institution responsible for peace in the country, the NPC and our partners wish to remind all Ghanaians of the admirable manner by which we have lived together in peace, despite our religious, political and ethnic diversity,’ the statement said.

‘We have a duty as a people to continue to coexist and tolerate our diversity. Article 21(1) (c) of the 1992 Constitution of the Republic of Ghana recognises and protects the right of all persons to freely practice any religion, and to manifest such practice,’ it added.

It said besides, Artic
le 21(3) also provided for and protected the rights of all Ghanaians to freely form or join political parties and to participate in political activities subject to the qualifications and laws as deemed necessary in a free and democratic society, and consistent with the Constitution.

It said the NPC, the Christian Council of Ghana, the Office of the National Chief Imam, and the Catholic Bishops’ Conference, respectfully request all individuals and groups, who were engaging in such insinuations and publications to refrain from such destructive mission and should immediately desist from such actions as they had the tendency to destroy the long cherished pluralistic friendly society.

The NPC and its partners further urged all Ghanaians to expose characters who had embarked on this slippery mission.

Source: Ghana News Agency