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Health Services

Vaccine Rollout?in Ivory Coast?Picks?Up?Steam After?Rough Start

The first doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine arrived in Ivory Coast in late February.  By March 1, the country started vaccinating people, making it the first in the world to do so through the COVAX initiative, a program co-led by the World Health Organi…

Health Services

President Ramkalawan chairs virtual cabinet meeting

President Wavel Ramkalawan yesterday chaired a virtual meeting of the cabinet at which a number of legal and policy memoranda were considered.Cabinet approved the formalisation of the Hybrid Licensing System for Seychelles. This system will give the po…


United Seychelles leader, Dr Patrick Herminie’s message for Public Service Day

‘Thank you public servants for your dedication and sacrifices as you serve others’ “Today like, the rest of the world, we are celebrating Public Service Day. This day, June 23, was declared by the United Nations in order to recognise and praise the ef…


Seychelles and the Commonwealth of Dominica establish diplomatic relations

The Republic of Seychelles and the Commonwealth of Dominica, in keeping with the interest and desire of the two peoples, have agreed to establish diplomatic relations, effective from the date of signature of a joint communiqué.The two Governments agree…


Young leaders trained in budget formulation and fiscal transparency

Twenty-five youths from Seychelles are attending a four-day virtual training (June 22-25) on budget formulation and fiscal transparency organised by Transparency Initiative Seychelles (TIS) and the U.S. embassy.The training is being led by Michael Cast…


Seychelles participates in SADC Council of Ministers meeting

The Seychelles delegation joined other member states of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) to participate in the SADC Council of Ministers meeting, to deliberate and engage in discussions centred on COVID-19, the SADC Regional Indicative…


A Tax Amnesty Programme will start on 01st July

A Tax Amnesty Programme will be effected by the Seychelles Revenue Commission (SRC) as of 01st July 2021.The programme has been made possible following approval of amendments to the Revenue Administration Act by the National Assembly on Tuesday 22nd Ju…


Minister Hassan officially opens virtual Budget Formulation/Fiscal Transparency Symposium

The Minister for Finance, Economic Planning and Trade, Naadir Hassan kick started a virtual training programme on Budget Formulation and Fiscal Transparency organised by Transparency Initiative Seychelles (TIS) on Tuesday 22nd June 2021.In a prerecorde…


Seychelles sends congratulatory message to Uganda

On behalf of the Government and the People of Seychelles, President Wavel Ramkalawan and Vice- President Ahmed Afif have both sent messages of congratulations to the two newly appointed women in the key posts of Prime Minister and Vice President of the…


President Ramkalawan hosts virtual meeting to commemorate International Public Service Day

On the occasion of International Public Service Day which is celebrated on 23rd June each year, President Wavel Ramkalawan yesterday, Monday 21st June 2021, hosted a virtual meeting under the theme: “Empowering the Public Service for Greater Efficiency…