
Officials from Trade department, Attorney General’s Office follow training on trade remedies

Officials from the Trade department and the Office of the Attorney General have followed training on trade remedies from the Advisory Centre on World Trade Organisation Law (ACWL) in preparation to draft Seychelles’ first Trade Remedies Legislations.

The ACWL delivered the two-phased training on trade remedies in a bid to increase the technical and legal capacities in trade remedy matters.

The training was initiated in order to facilitate the continued drafting of Seychelles’ first Trade Remedies Legislations which, upon its entry into force, will allow the Seychelles’ government to take remedial action against injurious imports to its domestic industries through the use of trade policy tools.

The objectives of the trainings were to provide an understanding of the rules and principles of trade remedies as stipulated in the relevant World Trade Organisation (WTO) agreements; to help Seychelles in the drafting process of its Trade Remedies Legislations; and to build knowledge on the practical application of trade remedies, its investigation procedures and its key calculations.

Phase I of the training comprised nine virtual sessions (3 hours each) from October 17 to November 24, 2022. It covered procedural and technical aspects of trade remedies, focusing on theoretic perspectives under the relevant WTO agreements. Phase II, held in Geneva at the ACWL Offices from January 23 to January 27, 2023, ensured the convergence of theoretical and practical aspects including through interactive exercises, practical calculations, and participating in a moot hearing as a key party before the Investigation Authority, led by the ACWL lawyers.

The Trade department and the Attorney General’s Office will continue to work on the draft legislations with a view to presenting the document to the cabinet of ministers, thereafter table it before the National Assembly for approval before the end of this year 2023.

For more information on trade remedies, members of the public can contact the Trade department in the Ministry of Finance, National Planning and Trade on +248 4382139 or email ;

Source: Seychelles Nation