
Observe ORANGE DAY on the 25th of each month

Witness and act for an end to violence against women and girls’

On the 25th of each month – join people around the world in observing an Orange Day and work for an end to violence against women and girls.

This call comes from Say NO – UNiTE to End Violence against Women, a social mobilization platform on ending violence against women and girls that is related to UN secretary-general Ban Ki-Moon’s campaign, UNiTE to End Violence against Women.

Shout out violence

Violence against women and girls is one of the most widespread, persistent, and devastating human rights violations in our world today and is a threat to millions of girls and women online and offline. It affects women regardless of their age, background, or level of education. This violence takes many forms, including physical, sexual, or psychological violence, as well as economic abuse and exploitation.

Some people may be confused and ponder why speak to all the parties and representatives to provide information. The answer is simple. Shout out violence is better than remaining quiet, suffering in silence and not telling anyone. This often leads to depression, death and even suicide.

The issue often faced in GBV is often the bystander. This is a person who stands near but doesn’t take part in an event or interfere and do not report. It is important for bystanders to use the lines provided and report the violent acts being committed. It may help to save a life.

During the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence 2021, the Research and Policy Planning Division hosted several activities to raise awareness guided by the theme ‘Orange the world: End violence against women’. This year, as customary, every 25th of each month which is Orange Day, the team joins effort with different stakeholders to sensitize people on Gender-Based Violence.

With the launch of the Shout Out Violence Card on November 25, 2021 last year, the Research and Policy Planning Division is reaching out to the general public to look for help and support from the proposed services that are on the card. The department strongly believes that there is a need for members of the public to reach out to the services instead of taking matters into their own hands. In view that there has been an alarming increase in reported cases of domestic violence. The Research and Policy Planning Division has prepared the card after victims and even perpetrators did not know which services they can contact when facing violence of all forms. In cases where they know they often fail to use those services.

The Family department and key stakeholders have joined join forces together with key stakeholders and have launched the card. The name reflects the constant SHOUT OUT that the victims made and the need to REACH OUT to the MDAS and NGOs to obtain the necessary support. SOV is also a creole world which means rescue and this is what the services will be doing, it will be a rescue for those suffering so they may use this opportunity to get out of the situation alive. Additionally, they will obtain the therapy and necessary support to recover and get better. The NGOs and MDAs have a platform to propose their services. The small orange-colored card can fit easily in a wallet. The color orange symbolizes a brighter future, free of violence. It also serves as a means of demonstrating your solidarity in eliminating all forms of violence and it is therefore used as the color of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. As a show of solidarity, the Unesco globe will be illuminated in orange.

As reiterated by Nathalie Didon, the principal programme officer, “we believe that a person should live happily, should someone be facing domestic violence they should report it. This will be a deterrent for the act not to be repeated again and for all parties to get the adequate support needed”.

Source: Seychelles Nation