
New Commissioner Ted Barbe sworn-in

The new Commissioner of Police, Mr Ted Barbe, took his official oaths before the President of the Republic, Mr Wavel Ramkalawan, during a swearing-in ceremony, held at State House yesterday morning.

In accordance with Article 160 section (1) of the Constitution of the Republic of Seychelles, on 2nd June 2021 President Ramkalawan wrote to the Speaker of the National Assembly proposing the nomination of Mr. Barbe as Commissioner of Police. This was approved by the National Assembly on Wednesday 16th June.

During the ceremony Mr Barbe took two oaths: the Oath of Allegiance to the Constitution and the Oath of Office.

Mr. Ted Barbe joined the Police Force in 1997 and rose through the ranks, up to Deputy Commissioner of Police responsible for Policing and Personnel Development. He was appointed Acting Commissioner of Police from 15th March 2021.He holds a Master of Science in Criminology and Criminal Justice from the University of Portsmouth, and a Bachelor’s degree in Education from the University of Sussex, in United Kingdom.

He is an experienced negotiator having successfully been involved with the release of Seychellois hostages held by pirates of Somalia in 2009. Mr Barbe has attended various enhancement programs such as in Anti-money laundering, combating the Financing of Terrorism and Interception of communication.

During his remarks, President Ramkalawan congratulated Commissioner Barbe on his appointment. He emphasized that based on his vast expertise and experience, he is the best candidate to take on the responsibilities bestowed on him today. He noted that despite challenges and the public’s high expectations towards the Police Force, through his personal determination and will to transform the Police Force, he will surely succeed in the immense task ahead.

“Commissioner Barbe, the people of Seychelles aspire to see our men and women in uniform form part of a Police Force that is transformed and disciplined. It is through this transformation that our Police force will regain the respect it deserves and to ensure our people abide to the laws in place. Our citizens want to see a Police force that is efficient and prepared to take action against criminality in the country” said the President.

The President also further stressed that his administration has zero tolerance for corruption, and urged the new Commissioner to ensure the elimination of corruption in the Police Force remains as one of his top priorities. He further reassured Commissioner Barbe of his full support and reiterated the government’s engagement in order to cultivate a Police Force that the whole country will be proud of.

Speaking to the press after the swearing-in ceremony, Commissioner Barbe confirmed that his plan to transform the policing approach is already in implementation and will bring about a new dynamism to the Police Force. He highlighted that capacity building will be a critical component of his new approach.

“We need to re-instil discipline across the board in the Police Force. This can be attained through the training of our police officers either locally or overseas as well as through refresher courses for those who have already gone through certain stages in the profession. Another important factor, is to empowerment of our officer and preparations to take over leadership roles. This will be required to follow through with a strong succession plan,” said the Commissioner.

Also present was the First Lady, Mrs Linda Ramkalawan, Vice-President, Mr. Ahmed Afif, the Speaker of the National Assembly Hon. Roger Mancienne, the President of the Court of Appeal, Justice Anthony Fernando, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Justice Rony Govinden, Ministers, the Chief of Defence Forces, Colonel Michael Rosette, the Leader of Government Business in the National Assembly, Hon. Bernard Georges, Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly, Hon. Gervais Henrie, member of the National Assembly for Anse Aux Pins, Hon. Clifford Andre family members of Mr Barbe and other distinguished guests.

Source: State House, Office of the President of the Seychelles