
NASTAG celebrates seven years of improving quality seeds to empower farmers

The National Seed Traders Association of Ghana (NASTAG), has celebrated seven years of improving quality seeds to empower farmers and elevate the nation’s agricultural potential. The NASTAG, an amalgamation of all the seed value chain actors, said it stood as a beacon of hope and played a pivotal role in bridging the gaps between various stakeholders in the agricultural sector. A statement copied to the Ghana News Agency in Accra said the Association had spearheaded a remarkable transformation, propelling Ghana towards food security, economic growth, and environmental sustainability through stakeholder collaboration. It has equipped farmers with knowledge about cutting-edge agricultural practices, pest management, and soil conservation through educational programs, workshops, and partnerships with research institutes. This, the statement said, had resulted in Ghanaian farmers to boost outputs particularly by improved seeds while reducing the negative effects of their operations on the environment. ‘In the last half decade, NASTAG has ensured access to quality seeds for smallholder farmers, by supporting the Ministry of Agriculture in the promotion of the existing rigorous guidelines and quality control measures.’ ‘The Association has bolstered consumer confidence in the seeds available in the market. This has not only led to greater crop uniformity and resilience but has also attracted investments from both domestic and international partners,’ the statement said. Working hard to empower women farmers, the Association has enhanced women in agricultural productivity which has contributed to the overall social and economic development of rural communities. The statement said, the strategic efforts of the association have promoted economic growth by advancing job opportunities, increasing rural incomes, and enhancing the agricultural value chain. ‘NASTAG stands as a great example of how a unified approach, a dedication to quality, and an unwavering commitment to the well-being of farmers can lead to transformative change in Ghana,’ it added. NASTAG is an amalgamation of all value chain actors in the seed industry which culminated from a resolution passed by stakeholders in a meeting sponsored by the USAID – Agriculture Policy Support Project (USAID /APSP) in November 2015.

Source: Ghana News Agency