
Mouhoun: The Feast of the Assumption celebrated with fervor for the peace and well-being of families

The Christian faithful of the Sainte Trinité parish of Dédougou , celebrated the solemnity of the Assumption on Thursday, August 15, 2024. During the mass presided over by the parish priest, Father Bernard Ala, intentions were entrusted to Holy Mary for peace, security and the well-being of families in Burkina Faso.

The ascent of the Virgin Mary into heaven or Assumption celebrated on August 15 each year was celebrated on Thursday August 15, 2024, with great fervor in the Sainte Trinité parish of Dédougou.

The celebration began with the procession with the statue of Virgin Mary accompanied by dance steps.

For the parishioners who came in large numbers for the occasion, the celebration of the Feast of the Assumption is an opportunity to give thanks to God with Mary for peace and social cohesion in the different families and therefore throughout the entire country.

In the opinion of the celebrant, Father Bernard Ala, the feast of the Assumption is the crowning of the various solemnities in honor of Mary.

He stressed that the solemnity of August 15 commemorates the entry of our lady into glory, glory which awaits us and which was prefigured on August 6 during the celebration of the Transfiguration of the Lord.

Likewise, Father Bernard Ala, may this solemnity celebrate the fact that at the end of Mary’s life, her body was taken to heaven rather than decomposing on earth. Although maintained by the faithful for centuries, it was only proclaimed a dogma of faith by Pope Pius XII in 1950.

‘The Church asks us on this day to imitate her life of humility, faith and love. Mary is the mother of believers because she was like the presence of humanity at the heart of the saving event. Mary is present to the prayers of men and she is also present for all to the mystery of God which is accomplished in her son , ‘ he said.

To do this, Father Ala invited the Christian faithful not to be afraid to pray and to honor the one who is considered an exceptional mother.

‘Let’s be humble and respect each other. Let us put our tru
st in God and have faith. Let us cultivate love because the more we love, the closer we come to God,’ he invited.

During the celebration, around twenty children were baptized.

Mr. René Vimboué, a faithful member of the parish, took advantage of the solemnity of this feast in honor of the Virgin Mary to give thanks to God for her 81st birthday , 61 years of baptism and 58 years of marriage.

The songs well performed by the women’s choir followed by the procession with the statue of the Virgin Mary allowed the faithful to express their joy through dance steps to the mother of heaven .

At the end of the mass, popular celebrations continued in the parish courtyard to the delight of the faithful mobilized for the occasion.

Source : Burkina Information Agency