
More people will be able to stay in residence

Steps are being taken to make these facilities more accessible

There is a growing demand for housing for the elderly in excess of what the government can provide, and the Department of the Family also serves as an opportunity to educate families on the need to care for and care for their elderly parents. dream and raise them for a number of years.

There are also a number of steps being taken to encourage the private sector to invest in facilities to care for and care for the elderly.

It was Marie-Celine Zialor, the minister in charge of the family, and Clive Roucou, the department’s chief secretary (PS), who gave the details when they answered questions from members of the National Assembly this morning.

MNA for Plaisance, Richard Labrosse, is keen to know the steps to accommodate the elderly who do not have family support or housing, and if there is any new policy or criteria in place you will be able to assist those in need. that band needs.

In the same vein, he also wanted to know if the family department was considering ways to sensitize people to take cases with their elderly parents.

Minister Zialor made a statement to the Department of the Family for the next two years, “Mon Fanmir Mon Leker” which is specifically for this type of education with families.

“We will not miss any more opportunities to educate families of this size. May there be many families who make an effort to take care of their loved ones and I take this opportunity to congratulate and encourage them and tell other people to also follow these examples and do the same.

In the meantime, Minister Zialor has made it clear that his ministry does not have any new policies or criteria that have been put in place or have been put in place to assist the elderly in need. It states that the criteria for admitting people to nursing homes are still the same.

What is the current situation of the elderly in the country? The size of PS Roucou says that there is a real demand for a place in a nursing home.

“It simply came to our notice then. The Department of the Family continues to encourage family members to care for their elderly parents and at the same time says the Department of the Family is working closely with various entities to increase support for these people and their families, ”said Mr. Roukou.

I inform the members of the Assembly that they are currently in discussions with the Seychelles Board of Investment in their efforts to build a residential facility for the elderly who can still remain independent, as well as a nursing home for the elderly in need. 24-hour medical latency can be maintained and they are also discussing the possibility of elderly day care facilities where families will be able to care for elderly parents while they go to work.

However, the previous government has begun talks to encourage the private sector to invest in such facilities in Anse Etoile, where people can afford to pay for their families. ? At this point, PS Roucou said that the discussion had not been held with the Board of Investment and that three criteria had been put in place to establish such facilities, but unfortunately there were not many private individuals who came forward and showed interest. They have further revised the criteria and put forward the available pieces of land where these facilities can be built and encourage private individuals to invest in such facilities.

Source: Seychelles Nation