
Ministry set up Task Force to review Clearing process

The Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Trade has set up a ‘task force’ to improve the current clearing procedures in place.

The task force met for the first time on Tuesday 01st June, with Minister Naadir Hassan.

Minister Hassan has said ‘it is obvious that there’s unnecessary delays in the clearing of goods once they have landed in the country and this is causing frustrations amongst members of the public and businesses.”

“What I want from the task force is to 1) identify the causes of the bottlenecks and 2) make recommendations how to remove those bottlenecks.”

He has put emphasis on the adoption of modern and digital platforms to advance the clearing process.

“Adopting the use of technology can make the process run smoother and more efficient.”

Minister Hassan has said it is important to have an implementation timeframe to enable a smoother operation of the clearing process, especially so, from ‘a customer’s point of view.’

Members of the task force include representatives from Department of Trade, Customs, Seychelles Revenue Commission and Postal Regulatory Agency.

The task force has been given a deadline of 6 weeks to present their findings and recommendations.

Source: Ministry of Finance, Trade and Blue Economy