
Minister Radegonde launches virtual exhibition to commemorate Africa Day

The Foreign Affairs Department has organized its first virtual exhibition to commemorate Africa Day. In a short ceremony this afternoon at Maison Queau de Quinssy, Minister Sylvestre Radegonde launched the virtual exhibition under the theme: Culture and Diplomacy.

Minister Radegonde began his address by acknowledging the importance of the formation of the Organization of African Unity in May 1963, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, with a primary goal to encourage further decolonisation of African states.

“A charter was established with the aim of raising living standards in all member states. The charter’s spirit has been followed in Seychelles, with people placed at the centre of development,” continued Minister Radegonde.

Minister Radegonde also highlighted on Seychelles’ significant contributions to the African Union’s reform agenda, blue economy and maritime security.

He concluded in stating that “Seychelles will continue to contribute in whatever way it can to the task of creating the “Africa we want.” Despite the fact that Africa Day has been marred by some restrictions imposed due to the pandemic, we are commemorating the day by holding a virtual exhibition, which I hope will be inspirational to the viewer. I wish you a joyous Africa Day.”

In attendance at the ceremony were Principal Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Vivianne Fock Tave, Director Generals and senior officials of the Foreign Affairs Department.

The Foreign Affairs Department would like to invite its audience to view the virtual exhibition on the following link:

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Seychelles